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Krishna Bhamare
Krishna Bhamare

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List of best VS CODE Extensions to improve your productivity😎

Having a good text editor is important for your efficiency, your learning curve, and your time management.

Why VSCode?

VSCode is probably the number one code editor as of today. I love it.

Most VSCode lovers are JavaScript developers - VSCode was created for modern technology. Today, popular JavaScript frameworks are perfect for VSCode — it has everything you need.

When it comes to choosing a text editor, always go for the latest and greatest. Technology is changing rapidly and you don’t want to fall behind. Time should always be on your side to become a great developer.

VSCode has a huge open-source community. Its growth and potential are limitless, and in the future learning how to code and coding itself will be easier.

Extensions to your IDE are invaluable to speed up your work without reducing the quality of your output. Considering the Visual Studio Code is the most popular IDE, here is the list of VSCode extensions on Github that will make you a more productive developer. These extensions mostly apply for web developers, but there are some general-purpose extensions that will benefit everyone else too.


Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that works particularly well if you have multiple people working on a single project because the extension enforces a consistent style.

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The main function of this extension is to auto-format codes for consistent formatting across your team. ESLint can also be configured to auto-format your code, and whenever you make an error it will scream at you with a bunch of warnings.

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Debugger for Chrome:

This is my favorite and most used VSCode extension. As a front-end web and mobile developer, Debugger for Chrome has helped me a lot. Especially for JavaScript developers, it will save you a lot of time in making small changes. It is most helpful with debugging — it helps you resolve and catch bugs very quickly.

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Angular snippets (version 9):

Angular 9 Snippets has snippets for Angular version 2 to 9.
With more than 1.7 million installs, it’s the most popular snippet extension for Angular developers. It has snippets for RxJS, TypeScript, Docker files, and HTML.

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Quokka is called the modern-day scratchpad for JavaScript developers. It’s built to help every developer when it comes to code checking. It’s a perfect solution.

It’s very lightweight, productive, and powerful compared to other VSCode extensions. It will boost your workflow, it’s real-time and will give you feedback right away.

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Live Share:

Live share is one of the most advanced features in the VSCode text editor. It’s perfect when working with team members. One of its functions is to allow every developer to share code snippets with other developers in real-time.

This is perfect and helps team collaborations become much more efficient and productive. Live Share allows the instant sharing of current projects even when debugging — how cool is that!

Collaborators don’t have to install any repositories, SDKs, or anything to connect with other developer’s current code. Everyone on the team can collaborate sessions to explore and fix things remotely.

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Note: Checkout to know more lists of popular extensions on Github.

Thank you all for reading 🙏!

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