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Native Base with React native

What is Native Base?
NativeBase is a popular open-source UI component library for building cross-platform mobile applications using React Native. It provides a set of pre-designed and customizable UI components that follow the principles of Material Design, making it easier and faster to develop mobile apps with a consistent look and feel.

NativeBase offers a wide range of reusable components such as buttons, forms, headers, footers, cards, tabs, and much more. These components are built using React Native, a JavaScript framework for building native mobile applications, and they are compatible with both iOS and Android platforms.

The library also includes a theme-based styling system, allowing developers to easily customize the appearance of their app by modifying the theme variables. This makes it simple to create visually appealing and consistent designs across different screens and devices.

NativeBase has gained popularity in the React Native community due to its ease of use, extensive component library, and active development community. It simplifies the development process by providing ready-to-use components and helps developers create high-quality mobile applications more efficiently.

How to use Native Base?
To start with native base install the required dependencies.
npm install native-base

After installing the dependency, import the native-base in required component.

import { Button } from 'native-base';

Here we'll go through the implementation simple button using native base.
render() {
return (
<Text>Click me</Text>

Theming Using native Base
Using NativeBase with theming offers several advantages for developing React Native applications:

Consistent Design: NativeBase provides a set of pre-designed UI components that follow the principles of Material Design. By using NativeBase, you can ensure a consistent look and feel across your app, leading to a professional and polished user interface.

Rapid Development: NativeBase simplifies the development process by providing ready-to-use components. With a wide range of customizable UI elements, you can quickly build screens and user interactions without spending much time on design and styling.

Customizability: NativeBase offers a theme-based styling system that allows you to customize the appearance of components to match your app's branding or design requirements. By defining a custom theme and applying it, you can easily modify colors, typography, spacing, and other visual aspects of your app.

Reusability: With NativeBase, you can create reusable components that encapsulate certain UI patterns or functionality. These components can be easily reused across different screens and even shared between projects, leading to more efficient and maintainable code.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: NativeBase is compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. By using NativeBase components, you can develop mobile applications that work seamlessly on multiple platforms, saving you from the effort of writing platform-specific code.

Active Community and Support: NativeBase has a large and active community of developers. This means you can benefit from the collective knowledge and expertise of the community members. You can find tutorials, examples, and solutions to common problems, making it easier to troubleshoot issues and learn from others.

Overall, using NativeBase with theming simplifies the development process, improves the user experience, and provides a consistent and visually appealing interface for your React Native applications.

Thanks for Reading....!
Happy coding.....!

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