DEV Community

Kimball Robinson
Kimball Robinson

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Dalle3 prompt GPT-assisted analysis

1. My Experience (v14)

Personal Goals

What I Want Examples
Non-humanoid body type and Hybrid races / transformations Centaurs, mercreatures, Four-armed (like tharks John Carter:Mars), dragontaur, wolf-taur, winged-taur, werewolf transformations.
Humanoid expressions Faces should be just human enough to show human expression, yet be clearly nonhuman
Avoid blocked prompts Trite/immodest/blocked creations are stuff I don't want anyway, and it's surprisingly hard.
Accurate/Believable Anatomy Ensure that anatomical features are depicted realistically to maintain believability and avoid anatomical errors
Realism Encourage realistic depictions of characters and environments to enhance immersion and visual appeal. Note: Hyperreal, digital painting, UHD, etc.
Pose/Emotion Prompt dynamic poses and convey a range of emotions to create engaging and expressive character imagery. Avoid: fear, neutral/bored, happy. Target: surprise, anger, etc.

Challenges Faced


2. Image Descriptions (v16)


Challenge Problems/Pitfalls Example Do's Example Don'ts
Attire - Clothing - Generic words like shirt/dress/etc vary too much; often naked/revealing/blocked. - Use specific cuts (tunic/tshirt/tanktop), specific era (tribal/modern/40s/classical), character occupation (climber/explorer). - Don't be generic (shirt shorts).
Attire - Location/Modesty - Attempts to cover specific body parts backfire when those parts are named. - Ask GPT for a list of styles/articles/eras that cover specific body parts ("List 20 articles of clothing that always cover chest/breasts"). Use preposition+item format ("with tshirt"). - Avoid using corrective words like "covering" or "wearing" ("wearing a shirt" or "shirt covering her chest").
Specific Body Parts - Describing specific body parts can result in blocked images. - Use general descriptions that avoid specific body parts. - Avoid detailed descriptions of body parts.
Anatomical Verbiage - Using anatomical verbiage can lead to blocked images due to explicit content filters. - Describe anatomy in a general and non-technical manner. - Avoid detailed descriptions using anatomical terminology that may trigger blocked images.
Making stuff old/worn-out - Requesting worn out or tattered clothing may inadvertently create injuries or open wounds. - Balance the request for imperfection with the risk of generating unwanted injuries or unrealistic details. - Avoid requesting imperfections that could lead to injuries or unrealistic details, such as open wounds or excessive damage.
Neutral Emotions - Complex prompts that confuse the model may result in expressionless facial expressions. - Ensure prompts are clear and concise to prompt accurate facial expressions. - Avoid using overly complex prompts that may confuse the model and result in expressionless facial expressions.
Wrong Emotions - Complex prompts that confuse the model may result in incorrect facial expressions. - Ensure prompts are clear and concise to prompt accurate facial expressions. - Avoid using overly complex prompts that may confuse the model and result in incorrect facial expressions.

| Attire | - Focus on occupation and named clothing styles to avoid blocked images. |
| Anatomy | - Avoid specific body parts and anatomical technical verbiage to prevent blocked images. |
| Targeted Imperfection | - Balance the request for imperfection with the risk of generating unwanted injuries or unrealistic details. |
| Neutral/Wrong Emotions | - Complex prompts that confuse the statistical model may result in expressionless, boring faces. Creating hybrid races requires a lot of face/head details that don't fit in the opening phrases. |``

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