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Manual testing description and Benefits and drawbacks of manual testing.

Manual testing is the process of testing codes developed by developer for any application to identify issues such as bugs, defects, errors, and other flaws, misbehaviors of application which is deviating from the expected behavior. As the name denotes , humans do the work, not automated tools. Interacting with the product or service from the user's perspective, developers and testers look for what is working and what is not.

Normally manual testing consists majorly two types.
1.Functional testing which includes fire and smoke, Sanity,regression,integration, and system testing.

  1. Non- functional or Performance testing which includes--Load,Scalable and vulnerability testing.

Manual testing steps to be followed :

Day-1 : Sprint Planning Meeting
Day-2 : Starting the Sprint & Adding QA Tasks
Day-3 : QA Lead Preparing Test Plan-I
Day-4 : QA Lead Preparing Test Plan-II
Day-5 : QA Writing Test Cases & Test Scenario-I
Day-6 : How to write Test cases & Templates
Day-7 : QA Writing Test Cases & Test Scenario-II
Day-8 : Daily Standup Call & QA write Testing Cases
Day-9 : QA Writing Test Cases
Day-10 : QA update Task in JIRA Project
Day-11 : DSC & Reviewing Test Cases
Day-12 : Review Test Cases
Day-13: QA update Task in JIRA Project
Day-14 : DSC & Reviewing Test Cases
Day-15 : Fixing Test Cases Review Comments
Day-16: EPIC/Story Grooming for next sprint
Day-17: QA Lead Preparing RTM
Day-18: Test Execution - Smoke Test
Day-19: Test Execution Continue
Day-20: Raising Blocker Bug in JIRA
Day-21: Linking Bug with Story
Day-22 : QA Retest & Close the Bug
Day-23 : DSC & QA Updates
Day-24 : Executing Test Cases & Found Critical Bug
Day-25 : Raising Critical Bug & Link to Story

Advantages of Manual Testing:

Manual testing are very much cost-effective for small or short-term projects related application, because it does not require investment in automation tools,and automation scripting expert or ongoing maintenance.
It allows testers to adapt and work to unexpected issues that may arise during testing. It also allows testers to use their ideas and creativity to identify potential issues that automated testing may not cover.
Early Finding of defects
It helps to find defects,errors and functionality issues early in the development process, which can save time and money in the long run.
Human element
Manual QA testing involves human testers, who can better understand user behavior and interaction with the software, resulting in a better simulation of the user’s scenario and overall user experience.
Testers know the project and its global purpose
By understanding the project at each stage of development, manual testers take into account more methods and faces as they have more systematic and detailed information.
Disadvantages of QA Manual Testing
1. Time-consuming
It’s especially important for large projects or complex systems. It can increase the overall cost and delay the release of the software.

2. Repetitive tasks
Repetitive tasks require more time for humans .

Overall, manual QA testing can be a valuable part of the testing process, especially in cases where flexibility and adaptability are important. However, it is essential to balance the advantages and disadvantages of manual testing with other testing approaches, such as automation testing, to ensure comprehensive and efficient software testing.

Top comments (1)

jonasbn profile image
Jonas Brømsø

Hi @kpsshankar

Interesting article and you raise some interesting points.

I do however think that the schedule you outline is over the top and it does not really fit into a any sprint schedule I have worked with for example two-week and three-week sprints.

Can you elaborate on the role of the schedule in the context of sprints?