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Discussion on: What are your thoughts on Tailwind CSS?

koresar profile image
Vasyl Boroviak

Tailwind final CSS file (unzipped) is about 10-20 times smaller comparing to traditional semantic CSS approach.

Again, try Tailwind before bashing it.

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ashleyjsheridan profile image
Ashley Sheridan

Tailwind final CSS file (unzipped) is about 10-20 times smaller comparing to traditional semantic CSS approach.

Is it really? That number seems like it might be a wild guess without substantiation. Just by looking at a few sites using it, you can see that most often, the produced files are large (taken from a list of top sites using Tailwind, and Tailwinds own site):

Site Compressed Uncompressed 19.15kB 110.21kB 127.85kB 1.84MB 57.77kB 390.61kB 186.62kB 1.84MB 127.85kB 1.84MB 95.82kB 694.33kB 61.5kB 329.36kB 61.5kB 329.36kB 52.81kB 301.19kB 113.43 1.02MB

If a websites CSS file is in the hundreds of kB uncompressed, that's not great, but if it reaches MB, then something is awfully wrong.

Now, you could argue that this is just because they haven't got any kind of purge/pruning as a part of their build process, but that same argument could be made of any CSS, it's not a unique thing that only Tailwind has, so it's not a factor. What absolutely is a factor is the default, and as you can see from a couple of these websites that include the default (non custom) Tailwind CSS, the result is in the MB end of the scale.

You can ignore this if you don't know or care about the impact this has on low powered devices (e.g. mobiles, which is what most of the worlds web browsing is performed on these days) but that doesn't actually make the problem go away.

So, you can keep on requesting that I "try Tailwind before bashing it", but I think I have shown that I do understand what I'm arguing. I'm not trying to downplay your own development experience, but I am not wholly certain you understand the point I'm trying to make.

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koresar profile image
Vasyl Boroviak

Mate. PurgeCSS is built into Tailwind-css. No one uses Tailwind without PurgeCSS.

Also, that number is coming from my two large projects.

I'm trying to tell that your point is based on false (or lacking) info.

Before bashing anything your should study it.

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bernhardh profile image
Bernhard Hörmann

Ehm. Ashley just provided you exact numbers - so your assertion, that "no one uses Tailwind without PurgeCSS" is already proved to be wrong, before you wrote that. And your main argument is, that Ashley is false because YOU think he hasn't tried it. Thats not an argument for (or against tailwind), thats just bad argumentation style.

I want to pick up one main point in your argumentation:
"The less files you need to edit to make a necessary change - the better your concerns are separated."

If this is true, than tailwind is really bad in separation of concerns. Let's think about a simple example: Lets say we have a website with multiple forms on it. We decide to make all form elements have a grey text color and round corners so we add to douzens of files (doesn't matter if its HTML, Vue, Blade, Twig or whatever) these tailwind classes. Some days later, a designer (or the CI team) decides, that all form elements should be with green text color and without a border.

Now the 1000$ question - how many files do you have to update if you use tailwind? How many if you use for example bootstrap?

And if you are talking about file sizes and performance - CSS (zipped or unzipped) is just one messurment (and tailwind isn't that great in this category either). What about HTML size? Surfing on a website visiting 30 pages of it, I will only download (and parse) the css one time, but the HTML 30 times. So what is smaller and faster:


<button class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white 
    font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Traditional aproach

<button class="btn btn-primary">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
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koresar profile image
Vasyl Boroviak

May I ask you to watch this 17 min video before making any more false statements?


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bernhardh profile image
Bernhard Hörmann • Edited

First of all - this comparison isn't a very good argument for your point. It shows, that uncompressed html with utility-first is just trash. Gzip is worse and only with brotli it is minimal better (0.8 kb).

You also mentioned, that utility first is soooo easy, but it only perform well, if you add extra steps to it, so you weaking your own point.

Second: This comparision isn't fair at all. She compares an "old" version of a side, which grews over time with a completle new created, optimzied version. Its like you would say - hey, my new Honda is much better then my 30 years old BMW.

To be fair, a lot of the arguments in the video are true or some kind of true. But she basically only picks aspects, where utility-first aproach is performing well. The aspects which dont fit well for her point are ignored or she just says "its ugly, but live with it". She also compares more or less "hardcore" sematic vs "utility first" mixed with semantic ("create button classes") and promote it as a feature of utility first only.

I totally understand, that the new kid in the block has to show his muscles, but this "I am the new super hero for all cases and everything what we have done till now is wrong," behavior is just stupid.

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koresar profile image
Vasyl Boroviak

Let's just see if it's better than the existing CSS frameworks. Time will tell.

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koresar profile image
Vasyl Boroviak


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redbar0n profile image

He had a lot better objections to the idea of TailwindCSS than "I don't like it". You're not really refuting any of his objections. So to me it seems you're putting forth the inverse of what Evan said. It comes across as: "I like it. Look, it's popular. You just don't understand it". It's not very convincing for us readers trying to evaluate TailwindCSS on balanced terms. I was hoping for better arguments and refutations in favour of TailwindCSS here, really.

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koresar profile image
Vasyl Boroviak

Time will tell. :)

State of CSS 2020 review:
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