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Mangabo Kolawole
Mangabo Kolawole

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A Simple Tip That Instantly Makes You a Senior Developer

The journey to becoming a senior developer is often confusing. Many believe that seniority is all about mastering technical skills, knowing every programming language inside out, or being able to single-handedly architect complex software systems. While technical prowess is undeniably important, it is only a part of what makes someone a senior developer.

In my experience, a key factor that distinguishes a senior developer from others is the ability to effectively manage and communicate their work. This includes predicting how long tasks will take, resolving issues quickly, and most importantly, being reliable. Reliability is not just about delivering quality code; it's about being the person others can turn to for answers, guidance, and information.

But how do you become that reliable person? The answer is simpler than you might think: note-taking.

The Power of Note-Taking

Note-taking might seem mundane, but it is a practice that can elevate your professional standing faster than you realize. When you consistently take notes, you become a repository of information. This habit not only helps you retain crucial details but also makes you a valuable resource for your team.

Imagine a scenario where your team is stuck on a problem, and someone vaguely remembers discussing a solution in a meeting months ago. If you have detailed notes from that meeting, you can quickly retrieve the information, helping your team move forward.

Once it starts becoming recurrent, it might not take too much time before you are noticed by the managers, CTO, or other lead developers, as you will be part of meetings, discussions, and important decisions. This can lead to an evolution of the view management will have of you and can quickly put you in a position for a promotion.

This ability to provide clarity and direction when needed truly sets a senior developer apart.

My Personal Experience

In my career, I’ve seen how effective note-taking can change perceptions. As a technical writer and book author, I’ve always valued documentation, but it wasn’t until I started meticulously documenting everything—from project decisions to code snippets—that I noticed a shift in how colleagues viewed me.

Suddenly, I wasn’t just another developer; I was the go-to person for resolving uncertainties and clarifying past decisions made on some projects.

For example, while working on a software construction software, we needed to integrate new types of construction materials into our platform. This task involved many similarities with previous work but also had critical differences that impacted how we managed the materials. By referring to my detailed notes from previous projects, I was able to navigate these differences efficiently, avoiding potential pitfalls and ensuring the project’s success.

Depending on the type of project, whether it's personal or note, I use different tools to take important notes. For example, notes that I think will help the team evolve much faster on tasks or important documentation can be put inside a Notion page, and for personal documentation such as understanding the codebase, writing my own tasks, my own issues, etc, I will use Obsidian. Let me describe how those tools can be used for effective note-taking.

Tools for Effective Note-Taking

There is a variety of tools available for note-taking that can be overwhelming, but they offer remarkable advantages over traditional pen and paper, particularly when it comes to searchability, organization, and connectivity.

Obsidian: For Personal Knowledge Management

Obsidian is one such tool that I highly recommend. It allows you to not only write and organize your notes but also visualize the connections between different pieces of knowledge. This feature is particularly useful for understanding complex systems and how different parts of a project relate to each other.

The tool offers a rich suite of features, including:

  • Markdown support: Obsidian uses plain text files, which are not only future-proof but also versatile across different platforms.

  • Linking notes: You can create bidirectional links between notes, allowing for a web of interconnected ideas.

Obsidian Note Taking

  • Customizable plugins: The tool’s plugin ecosystem enables you to tailor your note-taking experience to suit your needs, whether it's task management, daily notes, or advanced searches.

Despite these robust features, Obsidian does have some limitations. For instance, it lacks native sharing and syncing capabilities. To work around this, I often organize my notes in Obsidian and then transfer them to Notion when I need to share or collaborate on them. This approach leverages the strengths of both tools: Obsidian for personal knowledge management and Notion for collaboration.

Notion: For Collaboration and Sharing

Notion is another highly recommended tool, especially when it comes to collaboration and sharing. It’s a versatile platform that allows you to create, share, and collaborate on notes, documents, and databases with your team. While Obsidian might serve as your primary knowledge repository, Notion's advantages shine in scenarios where you need to work closely with others, thanks to its:

  • Real-time collaboration: Multiple users can work on the same page simultaneously, making it perfect for team projects.

  • Customizable templates: Notion offers a wide array of templates that can be tailored to fit various workflows, whether it’s project management, meeting notes, or personal journals.

  • Integration capabilities: It seamlessly integrates with other tools like Slack, Trello, and Google Drive, enhancing your productivity ecosystem.

In cases where I need to share my organized notes or documentation with colleagues or clients, I use Notion. It provides a more polished and shareable interface compared to Obsidian, making it an ideal platform for collaborative work.

Excalidraw and Visual Note-Taking and Diagramming

For those who prefer a more visual approach to documentation, tools like Excalidraw and can be incredibly valuable.

  • Excalidraw replicates the whiteboard experience in a digital format. It’s perfect for quickly sketching diagrams, mind maps, or any visual aid that complements your notes. Its simplicity and focus on freehand drawing make it feel natural and intuitive, like drawing on a whiteboard during a brainstorming session.

  • offers a more structured approach to creating diagrams. It’s an excellent tool for illustrating professional architectures, system designs, and flowcharts. The interface is straightforward, with a vast library of shapes and connectors that make it easy to create complex diagrams that look clean and professional.

Both tools are great complements to traditional note-taking apps, particularly when you need to communicate ideas visually, whether for personal understanding or to explain concepts to others.

Encouraging a Culture of Documentation

Effective note-taking is more than just a personal productivity tool; it’s a practice that fosters a culture of ownership within a team. By documenting decisions, knowledge, and progress, every team member contributes to a shared repository of information that enhances accountability and ensures nothing gets lost over time.

For instance, when you’re implementing a new architecture or leading a project, detailed notes can help track progress, compare initial goals with actual outcomes, and provide insights for future decisions. This level of documentation is not just beneficial; it’s essential for informed decision-making and demonstrating leadership.

What to Document?

Note-taking can be confusing. What should you note? Is it useful? When I first started, I didn’t overthink it—I just noted down everything I found useful. However, as I gained experience, I developed a decision framework to help me determine whether something is worth noting.

Note Taking Decision Framework

This framework acts as a filter, guiding you through a series of questions to determine if a piece of information should be documented. Here’s how it works:

  • Relevance: Is the information directly relevant to your current project or task? If yes, document it.
  • Reusability: Can this information be reused in future projects or shared with others? If yes, it’s worth noting.
  • Complexity: Does the information require deeper analysis or is it complex enough that it might be forgotten or misunderstood later? If yes, write it down.
  • Frequency: How often will you or others refer back to this information? High frequency means it’s worth documenting.

Using this framework, you can make quick decisions about what to document, ensuring that your notes are both comprehensive and useful.


Becoming a senior developer isn’t just about being technically proficient. It’s about being someone others can rely on—someone who has the answers, or at the very least, knows where to find them. Note-taking is a simple yet powerful habit that can instantly elevate your standing in any team.

So, if you’re aiming to make that leap to seniority, start by taking notes on information that you find helpful or important. It’s a small step that leads to big changes.

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I’d love to hear your thoughts on how note-taking has impacted your journey as a developer or other tips that made you reach seniority. Share your experiences in the comments below, ask any questions you have, and don’t forget to share this article with your network if you found it helpful.

Happy coding, and happy note-taking! 🚀

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