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Week 1!

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What a week! Started my OJT first day of March, supposedly we have to attend an orientation first but was moved because the company said we will have the orientation with their new hired employees.

Anyways, first week! The first few days was stressful in a way that I have to be in an environment with people that I don't know, which will be what my future will look like. Fortunately, my manager is kind enough to put me beside another intern, though from different school but it will do, and with that I have someone I could ask if I'm having trouble with some stuff. For my task for the first few days, I was only tasked to read some terminologies, PowerPoint tutorials, and watched some video tutorials on what my department is about and what tasks they do.

The next remaining days of the week was meeting my trainer, Miss Cristyl on google meet or skype since it is the company's main communication tool. She was the one who trained me for the task that I am doing for the rest of my internship. At first I was nervous and stressed because I don't know if I can do it and if I won't make any mistakes. But fortunately, Miss Cristyl is very kind to me and she taught me everything step by step. After teaching me, she let me do my first task and observes me, though I made some mistakes but she didn't scold me or anything, she only guides me to the next step and fortunately I was able to do my first task successfully.

Overtime I was able to do my first task smoothly since I have to do it three times a day, so I kind of have the hang of it. Next, she taught me my second task and the next task has to be done every twice a month or Miss Cristyl said she sometimes do it every week, and since she is training me, we will do this task every week. My second task was easier since it has a shorter process than my first task. For the both of the tasks that I learned this week, is that I have to be very careful doing it because it is a lot of data that I have access to that is really important to my department as well as the company. It is scary but I just have to be careful about it and asks guidance if needed.

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