The script is available on PnP script samples
SPO offers intuitive user interface for defining list formatting, including list, views, and as of spring this year, also forms:
- Use view formatting to customize SharePoint,
- Show or hide columns in a list or library form and
- Configure the list form
This approach is fully manual, which is fantastic for end users, but perhaps not optimal for developers. And what would happen if I want my customer to design their lists and forms, and include their design in automated deployment?
Luckily, this can be done with the PowerShell functions below.
First, export the customizations to a set of xml, csv and json files:
function Get-ListFormatting {
param (
$clientContext = Get-PnPContext
$list = Get-PnPList $listName -Includes SchemaXml
$contentType = Get-PnPContentType -List $listName | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "Item" -or $_.Name -eq "Element" }
# 1. Get form customizer
$contentType.ClientFormCustomFormatter | Out-File "$folderPath\ListFormatting.Form.$listName.json"
# 2.Get fieldLinks settings
$contentType.FieldLinks | Select-Object Name, Hidden, Id | Export-Csv "$folderPath\ListFormatting.ColumnOrder.$listName.csv" -NoTypeInformation
# 3. Get list views
$list.Views | Where-Object { $_.PersonalView -eq $false } | Select-Object Title, Id, @{name = "Url"; expression = { $_.ServerRelativeUrl.Replace($listUrl,"").Replace(".aspx","") } } | Export-Csv "$folderPath\List.Views.$listName.csv" -NoTypeInformation
$list.Views | ForEach-Object {
$v = Get-PnPView -List $list -Identity $_.Id -Includes HtmlSchemaXml
$v.HtmlSchemaXml | Out-File "$folderPath\List.View.$listName.$($_.Id).xml"
#get list views formatting
$views = $list.Views | Where-Object { $null -ne $_.CustomFormatter }
if($null -ne $views){
$views | Select-Object Title, Id | Export-Csv "$folderPath\ListFormatting.Views.$listName.csv" -NoTypeInformation
$views | ForEach-Object {
$_.CustomFormatter | Out-File "$folderPath\ListFormatting.View.$listName.$($_.Id).json"
#get columns formatting
$columns= Get-PnPField -List $listName | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.CustomFormatter }
if($null -ne $columns){
$columns | Select-Object InternalName | Export-Csv "$folderPath\ListFormatting.Columns.$listName.csv" -NoTypeInformation
$columns | ForEach-Object {
$_.CustomFormatter | Out-File "$folderPath\ListFormatting.Column.$listName.$($_.InternalName).json"
And then use them to apply the customizations to your target list.
function Set-ListFormatting {
param (
if (Test-Path -Path $folderPath){
Write-Host "LIST $listName "
$clientContext = Get-PnPContext
$list = Get-PnPList $listName
#Get Content Type
$contentType = Get-PnPContentType -List $listName | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "Item" -or $_.Name -eq "Element" }
# 1. Set form customizers
if ($t=Test-Path -Path "$folderPath\ListFormatting.Form.$listName.json" -PathType leaf){
Write-Host "Setting form customizers from $folderPath\ListFormatting.Form.$listName.json"
$contentType.ClientFormCustomFormatter = (Get-Content -Raw -Path "$folderPath\ListFormatting.Form.$listName.json").ToString()
Write-Host "...done"
# 2.a Set fieldLinks order
if ($t=Test-Path -Path "$folderPath\ListFormatting.ColumnOrder.$listName.csv" -PathType leaf) {
Write-Host "Setting fields order from $folderPath\ListFormatting.ColumnOrder.$listName.csv"
$ColumnOrder = (Import-Csv "$folderPath\ListFormatting.ColumnOrder.$listName.csv").Name
Write-Host "...done"
# 2.b Set fieldLinks.Hidden
if ($t = Test-Path -Path "$folderPath\ListFormatting.ColumnOrder.$listName.csv" -PathType leaf) {
Write-Host "Setting hidden fields from $folderPath\ListFormatting.ColumnOrder.$listName.csv"
Import-Csv "$folderPath\ListFormatting.ColumnOrder.$listName.csv" | ForEach-Object{
$contentType.FieldLinks.GetById($_.Id).Hidden = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($_.Hidden)
Write-Host "...done"
# 3. Set list views
if ($t = Test-Path -Path "$folderPath\List.Views.$listName.csv" -PathType leaf) {
Write-Host "Setting views"
#Get All List Views
$views = $list.Views | Select-Object Title, @{name = "Url"; expression = { $_.ServerRelativeUrl.Replace($listUrl, "").Replace(".aspx", "")}}
Import-Csv "$folderPath\List.Views.$listName.csv" | ForEach-Object {
$xml = [xml]( Get-Content "$folderPath\List.View.$listName.$($_.Id).xml" -Raw)
$isDefault = [boolean]$xml.View.DefaultView
$fields = $xml.View.ViewFields.FieldRef.Name
$query = $xml.View.Query.InnerXml
$aggregations = $xml.View.Aggregations.InnerXml
$viewType2 = $xml.View.ViewType2
$url = $_.Url
$viewTitle = ($views | Where-Object { $_.Url -eq $url } ).Title
if($null -ne $viewTitle){
Write-Host "Updating view $viewTitle to $($_.Title)"
$v = Set-PnPView -List $listName -Identity $viewTitle -Fields $fields -Values @{Title = $_.Title; ViewQuery = $query; ViewType2 = $viewType2 } -Aggregations $aggregations
Write-Host "Creating view $($_.Title)"
#cannot set view url when creating the list. the following workaroud required
$v = Add-PnPView -List $listName -Title $_.Url -SetAsDefault:$isDefault -Fields $fields -Query $query -Aggregations $aggregations
$v = Set-PnPView -List $listName -Identity $_.Url -Values @{Title = $_.Title ; ViewType2 = $viewType2}
#Set list views formatting
if ($t=Test-Path -Path "$folderPath\ListFormatting.Views.$listName.csv" -PathType leaf){
Write-Host "Setting list views formatting"
#Get All List Views
$views = $list.Views.Title
#Get exported Views Info (Title & Id)
Import-Csv "$folderPath\ListFormatting.Views.$listName.csv" | ForEach-Object{
#If target list contains the view and the file exists
if ($views.Contains($_.Title) ) {
# Update the List View Formatting Definition
$listViewFormattingJSON = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$folderPath\ListFormatting.View.$listName.$($_.Id).json";
$listViewColumnDefinition = Get-PnPView -List $listName -Identity $_.Title
$listViewColumnDefinition | Set-PnPView -Values @{CustomFormatter = $listViewFormattingJSON.ToString() }
#Set columns formatting
if ($t=Test-Path -Path "$folderPath\ListFormatting.Columns.$listName.csv" -PathType leaf) {
Write-Host "Setting columns formatting"
#Get All List Columns
$columns = $list.Fields.InternalName
Import-Csv "$folderPath\ListFormatting.Columns.$listName.csv" | ForEach-Object { #$columns.Contains($_.InternalName)
if ($columns.Contains($_.InternalName)){
Write-Host "Setting formatter for $($_.InternalName)"
$ColumnFormattingJSON = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$folderPath\ListFormatting.Column.$listName.$($_.InternalName).json";
$listColumnDefinition = Get-PnPField -List $listName -Identity $_.InternalName
$listColumnDefinition | Set-PnPField -Values @{CustomFormatter = $ColumnFormattingJSON.ToString() }
These functions build on top of the Invoke-PnPSiteTemplate, which can be used to export and import SharePoint list with all the necessary fields.
See my previous post for how to handle calculated fields.
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The scripts are now published on Github