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Genevieve McAllister
Genevieve McAllister

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The Quick and Dirty Guide to Pull Requests

xkcd 1597

As a beginner to programming, I’ve struggled to understand the complexities of GitHub. While I appreciate the basic concept of Git, the actual workflow can feel overwhelming at times.

My purpose here is not to give a deep or theoretical understanding of GitHub, but rather to document the commands you need to merge a branch into the master on a shared repository. (Note: this is different from making a Pull Request from a forked repository.)

If you do want a deeper understanding, I’ve linked to some good resources at the bottom of the post.


1. Create your branch

   git checkout -B your-branch-name

This command will both create and move you to a new branch.
V 1

2. Push your branch to GitHub
Your branch will not automatically show up on GitHub. To push it up, run:

   git push origin [name_of_your_new_branch]

3. Do your work

4. Push your changes up to your branch on GitHub

   git add .
   git commit -m “Message”
   git push

V 4

5. Open a Pull Request
Opening a pull request is you asking the repository’s maintainer, “Please pull my changes to master.”

  • On GitHub, make sure you’re on the branch you were working on.
  • Click “New Pull Request”
  • Make sure the “base” is what you want to merge into; in this case, I want to merge into master. V 5a-c
  • Write a title and description.
  • Click “Create Pull Request” V 5d

6. Approve a Pull Request
Approving the Pull Request will probably be done by someone else on the team.

  • Click “Merge Pull Request”
  • Add a comment if desired.
  • Click “Confirm Merge”

V 6

What if there are conflicts?

When you open the pull request, it will let you know. You may continue to make the request anyway.

  1. Click “Resolve Conflicts” This will show you the conflicts in the document. Edit whatever needs to be edited. C A
  2. Click “Mark as Resolved”
  3. Click “Commit Merge” C B-C


  1. A high-level overview of the GitHub workflow: link
  2. GitHub's two-page cheatsheet: link
  3. Details on how to create a Pull Request: link
  4. GitHub Tutorial: link

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