DEV Community

Kit Plummer
Kit Plummer

Posted on

Where to host an API?

Ok, so I have an API service, that I am building into a container. I'm looking for a service/provider that will host it, and provide all the front-end pieces - e.g., authentication/token, usage-tracking/quotas, firewall/security. Is there such a beast and I'm just daft and can't see the forest for the trees?

Top comments (6)

olekgor profile image
Oleksandr Gornostal • Edited

You may want to look for PaaS.

Here are easier, but with less features (should be fine for what you're are building):

  1. Heroku
  2. DigitalOcean App Platform

Steeper learning curve, but much more capable:

  1. AWS App Runner
  2. Google App Engine
  3. Azure App Service

All of them can run docker images.

olekgor profile image
Oleksandr Gornostal

and provide all the front-end pieces - e.g., authentication/token

This can be interpreted differently, as I understand you want a separate service to handle your authentication. In that case look for identity and access management solutions. Auth0 would be a good start.

dagnelies profile image
Arnaud Dagnelies • Edited

You will need two separate services. The first "running" your code/containers/servers. There are quite a lot of providers for this, including the big cloud providers. The other one, providing all the "API services" on top, is more scarce. Last time, I tried RapidAPI and it did the trick for me. It also handle payments which you strangely omitted from your list although it is a big chunk. ...of course, it goes without saying that the firewall/security part should be done on the container/networking side. Good luck

jcubic profile image
Jakub T. Jankiewicz

By container you mean docker? If yes, then did you search "Docker hosting"?

kitplummer profile image
Kit Plummer

Ha, that's funny. No, I don't mean docker. I mean API, specifically. Just happens to be packaged as a container.

jcubic profile image
Jakub T. Jankiewicz • Edited

So what container you talk about? Docker is most used type of container nowadays.