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Cover image for Day 7. First week

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Day 7. First week

My progress has been slow, but I haven't spent much time on it. I only had one hour today. I want to do more, but, I still don't have enough time. At this rate, I won't complete the project. What can I change?  I'm trying to be more focused and make efficient use of every single minute. Time is our most valuable resource.

What I did:

Today, I added string localization for plurals. I implemented it for both platform. For iOS, it was more challenging because I am unfamiliar with file format Localizable.stringsdict, which is a regular XML file but uses unusual keys. If I understand correctly, iOS developers rarely work with these files directly; they usually update them through the UI in Xcode.

        <string>day ago</string>
        <string>days ago</string>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Additionally, I extracted several constants to make my code clearer. 

What I will do:

  • Complete localization. 
  • Implement ArticleItem view.
  • Add Detekt(a static code analysis tool) to the project.
  • Added day/night theme support.
  • Update README file with description of project.
  • Create a GitHub project to manage the tasks for future collaboration.

If you want to join the project, just leave a comment here, or write a message in LinkedIn.

What help I'm looking for:

Designer (create design of application in Figma)
Android/KMM developer
Any other help related to the project.

My timeline:

Day 1. Deep breath and dive
Day 2. Networking layer.
Day 3. Loading of articles.
Day 4. ArticleItem.
Day 5. Localization.
Day 6. Work on Sunday.

You can buy coffee me here :+)

See you tomorrow. 

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