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Rapheal Chizitere
Rapheal Chizitere

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styled-chroma: Simplifying React Styling with Automatic Prop Filtering


What is styled-chroma?

Styled-chroma is a modern React styling library designed to simplify and enhance the way you create styled components. It offers flexibility and simplicity, allowing developers to focus on building clean, maintainable components without worrying about invalid props leaking into the DOM.

Flexibility and Simplicity in React Styling

Styled-chroma's main goal is to provide a developer-friendly API for managing styles, with a focus on dynamic, prop-based styling. It aims to keep your codebase clean by automatically filtering out invalid props that might otherwise end up in your HTML, leading to warnings or potential bugs.

Key Feature: Automatic Filtering of Invalid Props

Styled-chroma stands out by automatically removing invalid or non-standard props from your components. This means you can safely pass any props to your styled components, confident that only the appropriate ones will be rendered in the DOM.

Why styled-chroma?

The Problem with Invalid Props in React

In traditional styled-component systems, it's easy to pass invalid props to DOM elements, which can lead to console warnings or performance issues. While some libraries offer solutions, they often require additional configuration or external packages.

How styled-chroma Solves This Issue

Styled-chroma has built-in prop filtering, meaning it automatically strips out invalid props before rendering the component. This eliminates the need for external solutions or manual workarounds.

Benefits of Not Relying on External Libraries

By incorporating prop filtering directly into the library, styled-chroma avoids the need for third-party tools like polished or custom helper functions, keeping your dependencies minimal while improving developer experience.

Getting Started with styled-chroma

Installation Process

To start using styled-chroma, simply install it via npm or yarn:

npm install styled-chroma


yarn add styled-chroma

Basic Setup in a React Project

Once installed, you can begin using it in your React project. Here's a simple example to demonstrate the basic usage:

import { styled } from 'styled-chroma';

const Button = styled('button')`
  background-color: blue;
  color: white;
  padding: 10px 20px;
  border-radius: 5px;

const App = () => (
  <Button>Click Me</Button>
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Core Concepts

How styled-chroma Works

Styled-chroma leverages tagged template literals, similar to popular styling libraries, but includes an internal mechanism to filter out invalid props when rendering your components.

Main APIs and Their Usage

The core API revolves around the styled function, which allows you to create styled components from any HTML or custom element. Styled-chroma also supports the extending method to add custom types for props, ensuring type safety in TypeScript projects.

Adding Types with the Extending Method

Styled-chroma allows you to extend the default types by using a simple method to ensure that your custom props are typed correctly. Here's an example of how you can extend the types for a button component:

import { styled, ButtonProps } from 'styled-chroma';

interface ButtonTypes extends ButtonProps {
  primary?: boolean;
  large?: boolean;

const Button = styled<ButtonTypes>('button')`
  background-color: ${({ primary }) => (primary ? 'blue' : 'gray')};
  font-size: ${({ large }) => (large ? '18px' : '14px')};

// This ensures that `primary` and `large` props are correctly typed
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Automatic Prop Filtering in Action

Here's a deeper look into how prop filtering works. Even if you pass additional props like secondary or large, only valid attributes make it to the DOM:

import { ButtonProps } from "styled-chroma"

interface ButtonType extends ButtonProps{
primary: boolean;

const Button = styled<ButtonType>('button')`
  background-color: ${({ primary }) => (primary ? 'blue' : 'gray')};

// <Button primary secondary large />
// "primary" will control the styling, but "secondary" and "large" won't affect the DOM
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For detailed documentation, check out the styled-chroma wiki

Advanced Usage

Global Styles

Styled-chroma supports defining global styles for consistent theming and design language across your application, without interfering with the individual component styles.

Server-Side Rendering Support

Styled-chroma is optimized for server-side rendering, ensuring that your styles are properly hydrated when your React app loads on the client side.

Performance Considerations

Due to its automatic prop filtering and lightweight design, styled-chroma is built to be fast and efficient, helping to avoid the performance overhead of other styling solutions.

Best Practices

Organizing Styled Components

For a scalable project, keep your styled components well-organized by grouping them based on functionality or component hierarchy.

Leveraging Prop Filtering Effectively

Use prop filtering to manage dynamic styles without cluttering your component props, and consider separating presentational components from container components.

Reusability and Maintainability Tips

Keep your styled components reusable by focusing on prop-based styling that can be easily extended across multiple contexts.

Comparison with Other Styling Libraries

How styled-chroma's Prop Filtering Stands Out

Compared to other libraries like styled-components or emotion, styled-chroma's built-in prop filtering adds an extra layer of reliability when it comes to keeping your DOM output clean.

Use Cases Where styled-chroma Shines

Styled-chroma excels in environments where dynamic, prop-based styling is essential, and where developers want to avoid using third-party filtering libraries.


Recap of styled-chroma's Benefits

Styled-chroma offers an efficient, streamlined solution for creating styled components in React, with the standout feature of automatic prop filtering. This ensures your components are clean, fast, and flexible.

Future Development and Community Support

As styled-chroma evolves, new features and community-driven improvements are planned, ensuring it remains a powerful tool for React developers.

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