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George Kiknadze
George Kiknadze

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How I started building my first profitable startup.

Hey there 👋
I started building my first profitable startup.
Since I started learning coding, I always wanted to build and ship products.
Unfortunately, to do that, it's not enough to know how to code or even to know how to build complex software systems.
One need a mix of unique skills to be able to ships real product, which could be mix of coding, marketing, product management, business and design. If you think that I know all of that, you're wrong 😁 from my point of view, I know coding and maybe little-bit of business.

I've got a strategy

My strategy can be explained in a very simple way with the bullet points.

  • Define and build an MVP (Core functionality)
  • Ship often and ship louder (, Indiehackers, Reddit and etc.)
  • Don't give a sh*t about a design (Bootstrap my old friend)
  • Don't care about future plans (i18n, complex DB models and etc.)
  • Don't care about awesome infrastructure like: Kubernetes
  • Try to be completely open and let people know what you're building why and what will you achieve.

This is my strategy in a nutshell.

What I'm building

I'm building a SaaS for startups, makers and companies.
The platform which I'm currently building with Sails.js will help:

  • Individuals who have small business and they would like to sell it.
  • Companies who are searching for investments to expand.
  • Small startups who would like to announce their new product/team/idea.
  • People who are searching for seed investment and angel investors who would like to make an investment.

Basically this platform will help companies and individuals to make/expand/buy/sell their businesses.

I would love to be #openstartup and share all my stats with you people 🙌 I hope my experience will be interesting for you 😉

Top comments (3)

nicolasini profile image
Nico S___

Sounds like a good strategy.
Do you have customers yet? (asking about the "profitable" aspect of your post). Thats the best way to validate your idea after all

kiknaio profile image
George Kiknadze

I already communicated with couple of companies, and they are willing to join. I just wrote "Profitable" to underline what should be the KPI for this product.

nicolasini profile image
Nico S___

Good stuff. Hope you get some clients soon.

Good to include that kind of language to assert that this is not a "fun side project", but rather something you want to explore and grow as a business.