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Welcome, Fellow Dummies!

Hello, World! My name is Kevin Hughes and I'm a senior at Penn State University studying Information Science and Technology and Security and Risk Analysis. IST is my third major, and from how much I've enjoyed studying it, will probably be my last.

I'm from a small town in Northern New Jersey called Jefferson. When I'm not taking advantage of the largest lake in New Jersey, which is located just miles from my home, I can usually be found on my Xbox playing Destiny 2 or BSing with my buddies in a party chat.

Something about technology has always interested me, especially the way it's used to bring about change in the world. Intelligence and information, and the way we perceive it, has been changed by the emergence of new and incredible technological advances. We know more now, and have more avenues to learn than ever before.

Although I've always been interested in technology, I have not always had the opportunities to learn as much as I would have liked to in the past. My high school never offered any sort of technology or information science courses, so I came into college with far less knowledge than most of my peers. In my first few IST courses, I felt vastly undereducated, and I contemplated moving to a new field of study. I am so glad that I didn't, because the work I've done to get a solid understanding of the technology I use every single day has proven to be one of the most rewarding journeys of my entire life. Failure and trial and error have played huge parts in this journey, as well as triumph and personal breakthroughs. I am far from proficient in any IST practice, but I can at least say that I'm not a newbie anymore, and when my professors lecture me, I actually know what they're talking about, which is more than I can say about my entire freshman and sophomore years here at PSU.

One of my goals is to try and ensure that people who are like I was, when I felt like the biggest dummy in the College of IST, have an outlet to see that a degree in IST is possible regardless of past knowledge of the subject. My brand is designed to do just that. If I can explain anything simply enough that someone with little to no technological understanding can comprehend it, I will consider this venture a success. (A few laughs along the way wouldn't hurt, either.)

I've linked the information for my channel/brand, ForDummiesKH, below as well as a link to my first video, briefly explaining some of what I've covered here as well as a little more detail about something that I find interesting. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you (digitally) again soon!

YouTube Channel: ForDummiesKH -

Video Link -

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