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Abdalrhman Emad Saad
Abdalrhman Emad Saad

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Samsign menu display software

Project Overview

The Menu Display Software is a comprehensive solution designed to facilitate businesses in displaying their menus on TVs. The software consists of a Dashboard, an Android app, and an Android TV app. This system is highly customizable and provides real-time updates, user management, analytics, and multi-language support, making it an ideal solution for restaurants, cafes, bars, and other businesses that use TVs to display their menus.



The Dashboard serves as the central control panel for managing menus and users. It allows businesses to:

  • Create and manage multiple menus.
  • Assign images and prices to different items.
  • Set up schedules for displaying menus.

The Dashboard is accessible via a web browser and requires a login for secure access.

Android App

The Android app is designed for smartphones and tablets, providing a simple and intuitive interface for businesses to display their menus. It offers various templates to create and customize menus.

Android TV App

The Android TV app is optimized for TV displays, allowing businesses to showcase their menus in high definition. It supports different display modes, including split-screen, full-screen, and picture-in-picture.

Key Features

  • Real-time Updates: Any changes made to the menu on the Dashboard are immediately reflected on the Android app and Android TV app.
  • User Management: Businesses can manage users, assigning roles and permissions to control access to different parts of the system.
  • Multi-language Support: The software supports multiple languages, enabling businesses to create menus in different languages for their customers.

User Classes

  • Admin: Manages clients, creates templates, and oversees client subscriptions via the Dashboard.
  • User: Interacts with the system through the Android app and Android TV app, utilizing the features to manage and display menus.

Design and Implementation Constraints

  • Platforms: Android, Web
  • Programming Languages: PHP for Backend, HTML, CSS, JS for Frontend, Dart for Mobile and TV apps.
  • Design Constraints: The user interface must be intuitive and accessible on various devices with different screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Security Requirements: The software must adhere to security standards to protect sensitive information, including compliance with PCI DSS.
  • Performance Requirements: The software should be optimized for fast load times and minimal data usage.


  • Project Manager & Business Analyst: Mohamed Almetwaly
  • Supporters: Shindar Othman, Amar
  • Developer: Software developer

Functional Requirements

  • User Registration and Login: Users can create accounts and log in using email and password.
  • Menu Creation and Management: Users can create static screens for menus, design menus using templates, and schedule menu displays.
  • Account Management: Admins can manage user accounts, including registration approvals and password resets.
  • Language and Contact Options: Users can change app languages and contact admins via email or social media.

Non-Functional Requirements

  • Scalability: The system can be used by any business that uses menus.
  • Usability: The system must be user-friendly.
  • Availability: The system must be available at all times.
  • Security: User data must be secured and not shareable.
  • Offline Access: The app should provide some functionality even when offline.

This documentation provides an overview of the Menu Display Software, detailing its components, features, and requirements. This system aims to streamline the process of displaying menus for businesses, offering a versatile and secure platform for menu management.

Top comments (1)

vkinsane profile image
Vishal Khandate

This project seems like a robust solution for businesses needing dynamic menu displays