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Discussion on: TailwindCSS: Adds complexity, does nothing.

kerryboyko profile image
Kerry Boyko

But that's just it.

Search and replace will only search and replace based on text strings. Which is great if the only place you use "text-blue-500" is in components you want to change.

That's the thing about utility classes - by definition, they're the same name everywhere you use them. So if you wanted to change "text-blue-500" to "text-red-500" in buttons -- and only buttons -- you'd have to find, and then manually look to see if it's a button before you replace it.

On the other hand, if you have a .button class, or even better, a .branded-button class, you can just change it in one place.

Find and Replace might be useful for changing variable names that are already fairly unique, such as from "my-button" to "branded-button" but it's not useful if you're trying to change, say, only some instances of "float-left" to "float-right".

jamesthomson profile image
James Thomson

On the other hand, if you have a .button class, or even better, a .branded-button class, you can just change it in one place.

But this is exactly how you should be using Tailwind anyway. If you are applying utility classes all over your html to make your buttons then this is akin to using inline styling. The power of tailwind is that you have an entire set of utility classes that allow you to make small tweaks on the fly because your designer wanted this specific button to have juuuuust a bit more margin-top and be fullwidth at certain resolutions, but you can also continue writing CSS as normal.

I see Tailwind as a utility. It's not there to replace CSS, but compliment your workflow so you can get on with building components.

Anyway, judging by your article and your replies in the comments you've made up your mind about Tailwind and that's ok, but there are many developers that are in favour of it, myself included. Best of luck!

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kerryboyko profile image
Kerry Boyko

I'm sure that you could use Tailwind that way, but at that point - why not just use small tweaks in inline styles instead of using Tailwind's classes? Inline styles also have the advantage of being higher CSS priority than class definitions, so you get exactly what you want right away.

But then again, the problem with "if you use it this way" arguments is that they're different from "if you use it as intended." You can see from the Tailwind's own documentation that the intended purpose is to replace CSS.

I'm not saying that utility classes aren't useful. I'm just saying that they shouldn't be used for everything. And they certainly shouldn't need all the tooling overhead that comes with tailwind.

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weeklytyped profile image
Weekly Typed

I don't know why you keep saying this is not how Tailwind is intended to be used. The page you linked to is titled "Utility First". I infer that to mean the expectation is you start with utilities, and move to something else if you need it. Practically every word on that page seems to back up that inference.

Further down the page is a section titled "Why not just use inline styles?" which explains what they see as the advantages of utility classes over inline styles. You didn't even acknowledge their reasoning in your article.

The section after that one is "Maintainability concerns". This is where they expressly state that using apply to group styles together is, actually, using it "as intended".

Again, it seems clear to me Tailwind's intention is you would build styles using utility classes first. After some point, they completely expect you to group at least some of those utility classes into a "bigger" class. You seem to think this grouping completely negates the benefits of using utility classes, and that you might as well write it in CSS.

The documentation page that discusses this in particular is Extracting Components.

I'm always wary when somebody says a newer syntax is "hard to read". It's definitely possible to write code that is hard to read. But how can you say it's hard to read when you've spent years training your brain to parse some other syntax. Readibility is subjective with things like this.

For example, I found the example line in your article pretty easy to read. The purpose of md:h-32 and lg:h-64 are actually more obvious to me than the media queries. But I do agree the long horizontal line harder to read. But you don't have to do it that way.

I like your analogy of using single letter variables. But I don't think it's the same thing. These are just short forms of CSS properties. They are clear and documented.

I'm not sold on Tailwind myself. But if your conclusion is that it "provides no value", I don't think you argued it that well.

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kerryboyko profile image
Kerry Boyko

I don't know why you keep saying this is not how Tailwind is intended to be used. The page you linked to is titled "Utility First". I infer that to mean the expectation is you start with utilities, and move to something else if you need it.

Eh... If that is your interpretation of Utility First, then I can't fault it.

It wasn't mine, for a number of reasons, but you may have caught me out on an assumption I didn't know I was making.

See, I thought that "Utility First" was referring to a coding philosophy, much like the philsophy of "Mobile First" -- you code for the mobile site first because the mobile site will always work on the full web-page, but not necessarily vice versa.

Mostly, though, the reason why I don't think your interpretation is correct (Start with utility classes, then move away from them) is because almost every example on Tailwind's site is about how you can convert from semantic classes and CSS/SCSS to Tailwind Utility classes. If anything, Tailwind seems to suggest that CSS is a pain point that needs to be resolved and that utility classes are the solution.

I agree that Tailwind might have use with rapid prototyping, but there's no real instruction on how to move from rapid prototyping to final product - You write Tailwind, you distribute Tailwind.

I'm always wary when somebody says a newer syntax is "hard to read". It's definitely possible to write code that is hard to read. But how can you say it's hard to read when you've spent years training your brain to parse some other syntax. Readibility is subjective with things like this.

I remember a similar argument from the author of Clojure about how Clojure (and other Lisp-like languages) were "hard to read." He said: "I don't know how to read German, that doesn't mean that things written in German are hard to read."

But we can admit to ourselves that it is harder to learn certain languages than others, especially for an English speaker. And we can ask questions: Does this have a similar grammatical syntax? Does the language belong to the same family, does it have cognates and loan-words? Does it use the same sounds and tones? Is the alphabet the same?

In the case of programming languages, we can ask similar questions:

  • Does the syntax provide valuable information about what it does? ('height' vs. 'h-', for ex.)
  • Is the syntax internally consistant (Not actually a problem with Tailwind, though PHP suffers from this.)
  • Does it introduce concepts not familiar to other languages? (C's lack of memory safety, Rust's 'ownership', Lisp's Polish Notation, and if you're coming from a dynamically typed language like JS/Python, static typing of TS/C#/Java/C++?)
  • Is it relatively clear to follow the structure of a program written in this language? (CSS is horribly bad at this, as priority order rules can get complex, latter styles overwrite former ones, and of course, there's the !important flag.)

In this case, my criticism of Tailwind being "hard to read" deals primarily on the fact that the syntax is not expressive, and indeeds, chooses terseness over expressiveness. Back in the days of limited memory, sometimes a terse command was better than a long one, we still use "cd" for change-directory and "ls" for "list" in most Unix shells, but no such memory problems were at play here.

It's also hard to read because it's embedded inside HTML, listed horizontally, rather than vertically. Now I'm not saying that it would be as hard to read as if we did styles in PDoublePrime but compared to the default of regular CSS, it makes it hard to read. Additionally, since you're no longer adding your own semantic class names to your HTML, it can be hard to tell by looking at the source exactly what element in the HTML code you're actually looking at when you debug it.

patricknelson profile image
Patrick Nelson • Edited

Re: @tofraley

… because your designer wanted this specific button to have juuuuust a bit more margin-top and be fullwidth at certain resolutions…

At the risk of taking sides (trying not to as I don’t understand TailwindCSS enough), I will say this: Usually when I encounter situations like this, I’ll bring it up to the designer. When that happens, at least in our case, it’s usually a misunderstanding (but not always). For example:

  1. They have an outdated set of components in their PSD’s, or just out of sync, etc.
  2. They actually intended for us to change this site wide (and not just this one button)
  3. In some rare circumstances they really did this as a one off (and if that’s the case, it’s good to have that clarity so we can built it that way with intent).

Only pointing this out since, on the development side, all too often I’ve found developers simply matching the comps precisely without first ensuring that the change was intentional and (in this case, accidentally) creating one offs that ultimately weren’t really intended. 😊