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Orator has many through

Relationship has-many-through

The orator has many functions around relationships. In the current

  • One To One
  • One To Many
  • Many To Many
  • Has Many Through <- I am writing about this
  • Polymorphic relations
  • Many To Many polymorphic relations

Models are like this.

"""Countrie Model"""

from config.database import Model
from orator.orm import has_many_through, has_many

class Country(Model):
    """Countrie Model"""

    __table__ = "countries"
    __fillable__ = ['name']
    from app.User import User

    @has_many("country_id", "id")
    def users(self):
        from app.User import User
        return User

    @has_many_through(User, 'country_id', 'user_id')
    def posts(self):
        from app.Post import Post
        return Post
# app.User

"""User Model."""

from config.database import Model
from orator.orm import belongs_to_many, has_many

class User(Model):
    """User Model."""

    __fillable__ = ['name', 'email', 'password', 'country_id']

    __auth__ = 'email'

    def posts(self):
        from app.Post import Post
        return Post
# app.Post
"""Post Model"""

from config.database import Model
from orator.orm import belongs_to

class Post(Model):
    """Post Model"""
    __fillable__ = ['user_id', 'title']

    def user(self):
        from app.User import User
        return User


The controller is very simple, just all()

""" A testController Module """
from app.Country import Country
from masonite.view import View

class testController:

    def index(self, view: View):
        """Show several resource listings
        ex. Model.all()
            Get().route("/index", testController

        countrys = Country.all()
        return view.render("index", {"countrys": countrys})

Now it is possible to user and post in the view.

    {% for country in countrys %}
        <li>{{ }} {{ }}
            This comes from Country.users has_many
                {% for user in country.users %}
                    <li>{{ }}
                            {% for post in user.posts %}
                            <li>{{ post.title }}</li>
                                {% endfor %}
                {% endfor %}
            This comes from Country.posts has_many_through User
                {% for post in country.posts %}

                    <li>{{ post.title }} {{ }}</li>
                {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

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