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Kenneth Lum
Kenneth Lum

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Creating a new React app in a few seconds

There is a method to create a new React app quickly, much faster than create-react-app or by Next.js

The method is by Vite. Assuming you are using a recent version of npm (7 or above), the following steps will create a new React app in seconds:

npm create vite@latest myapp -- --template react
code .
cd myapp
npm i
npm run dev -- --open
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If you don't use Visual Studio Code or don't have the command line to start it already set up, then you can remove the line code . or replace it with a command line that will start your editor if you want.

You also can create an alias and put it in your .bashrc:

alias vitecreate='npm create vite@latest myapp -- --template react && code . && cd myapp && npm i && npm run dev -- --open'
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and then you can:

mkdir MyNewReactProject
cd MyNewReactProject
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

and start doing development work right away. You can use too, but if you want a local server running, together with your favorite IDE and being able to do git commits, you can use this Vite method.

If you want to play with the SWC (Speedy Web Compiler) template, you can use react-swc instead of react after the --template flag. For more information about different templates, see

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