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Basic Linux Commands 101 pt1

A very important tool any computer nerd should know is the Linux command line. Today we'll be going over simple but affective Linux commands that every computer nerd should be aware of. 😁

Starting with

  1. pwd will print the name of the current/working directory. pwd
  2. ls & ls -la will provide details and list the contents of the current working directory. ls ls-la
  3. cd command is used for moving up down directories. cd
  4. touch can be used for creating new empty files. touch
  5. cat will display the contents of a file. This file contains nothing, so let's add some data by using a text editor. cat
  6. nano is a small text editor, that can be used for editing texts of file. nano Press Ctrl+O to save, then Ctrl+X to exit nano1 We can then use cat once again to check if the edits were saved. cat2
  7. You can also extract specific information from a file using the grep command. grep
  8. You can use mkdir to create a new directory for transferring files. mkdir
  9. mv can be used for moving files from a directory into another. mv *.txt ~/Desktop will move all files that end with the .txt extension into the desktop directory. mv
  10. cp can be used for copying files into another directory. cp
  11. Last but not least, the rm, which can be used for removing files from the disk. rm

Thanks for reading

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