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Ways to Improve Lambda Performance

✒️Reuse the Execution Context

what is the execution context? Lambda invokes your function in an execution environment (an isolated runtime environment). The execution context is a temporary runtime environment that initializes any external dependencies of your Lambda code.

🏋️‍♂️Explanation Exercise:

Create a testLambda with a 3 sec timeout limit:

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Bad Practice:

import json
import os
import time

def connect_to_db():

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return os.getenv('ENVIRONMENT_NAME')
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Test with sleep 3 sec, no timeout as it is within the 3 sec limit we set. But everytime we call this lambda, it will always take 3 sec because it is trying to connect to the database everytime we run. This way of writing is not efficient.

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Also, let's say if the connection to database took more than 3 sec, example 5 sec:

import json
import os
import time

def connect_to_db():

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return os.getenv('ENVIRONMENT_NAME')
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We will faced this timeout issue:
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Good Practice for Better Performance:

So a Good Practice is to put the connection code outside of the lambda handler function:

import json
import os
import time

def connect_to_db():

# shift this out of handler

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return os.getenv('ENVIRONMENT_NAME')
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So even though the initial run will likely take 3 sec but subsequent run only took 1.64 ms, which is much more efficient! This is because it is re-using the execution context of the previous invocation.

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