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JSON vs JavaScript Object Literal

What is Js Object Literal?

The standard definition would be: it is a comma-separated list of name-value pairs wrapped in curly braces. You can think of it as a 'container' for datas, for example:

const myObject = {
    stringProp: 'value',
    numberProp: 2,
    booleanProp: false,
    arrayProp: ["hello.jpg","smile.png"],
    positionProp: {
        x: 40,
        y: 200
   someAction: function(){
      //action logics
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What is JSON?

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, which is a lightweight format for storing and transporting of data. Data is usually fetched from a server to the browser in this format. The syntax looks very similar to Js Objects.

In JSON format:

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In JavaScript Object:

const person = {
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Comparing to a JavaScript Object, the not-so-obvious difference is that both the name and value are doubled-quoted in JSON but only the value is doubled-quoted in Js Object.


JavaScript has built-in support to convert between JSON and Js Object.

To convert an Object to JSON Data:

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To convert a JSON data to an Object:

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JavaScript Object will be displayed as the following on browser, thus the need to be converted to JSON.

[object Object]
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For React users, sometimes we will forget to convert an Object to JSON and will often see this error message when we try to render it:
Error Msg

That's all! Thanks for reading my short post.

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