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Kenichiro Nakamura
Kenichiro Nakamura

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Moq: How to specify the argument with detail condition when mock a method?

This is my own note to remember how we can pass argument to mocked method in various ways.

Method to mock

I mock following service as an example, though this does nothing anyway.

public class DummyService
    public virtual string DummyMethod(string input)
        return input;
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Mock method with any value

We can use It.IsAny<T> to mock the method which accepts any value of T.

public void Test()
    Mock<DummyService> mockedDummyService = new();
    mockedDummyService.Setup(x => 
        x.DummyMethod(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns("dummy result");
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Mock method with specify value

We can pass actual value to mock the method which triggered only when the argument exactly matches.

public void Test()
    Mock<DummyService> mockedDummyService = new();
    mockedDummyService.Setup(x => 
        x.DummyMethod("testInput")).Returns("dummy result");
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Mock method with more detail condition

Or, we can specify more detail condition by using It.Is<T>(Func<T, bool>). The method will be triggered when I pass string such as MyInput, MyValue, etc.

public void Test()
    Mock<DummyService> mockedDummyService = new();
    mockedDummyService.Setup(x => 
        x.DummyMethod(It.Is<string>(x=>x.StartsWith("My")))).Returns("dummy result");
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And more

Moq.It has way more methods to control input patterns.

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