Azure Files is great service to store files like local disk. I use C# SDK to access to the service, but unit testing was not straight forward.
Sample code
Let's imagine we have C# code as below, which returns all share names from the Azure Files. I use DI for ShareServiceClient here. The code is quite simple, eh?
using Azure.Storage.Files.Shares;
using Azure.Storage.Files.Shares.Models;
namespace AzureFilesSample;
public class AzureFileSampleService
private readonly ShareServiceClient shareServiceClient;
public AzureFileSampleService(ShareServiceClient shareServiceClient)
this.shareServiceClient = shareServiceClient;
public async Task<List<string>> GetFileSharesAsync()
List<string> fileShares = new List<string>();
await foreach (ShareItem item in shareServiceClient
return fileShares;
Unit test
To write unit test for the above code, we need to mock ShareServiceClient. However, I cannot instantiate ShareItem as it only has internal constructor. After I browse its source code in github, I found ShareModelFactory class which let us instantiate related models.
This is the unit testing code. I use xUnit and moq library.
- Use ShareModelFactory to instantiate items
- Refer to Azure Mocking page to mock Azure response related object.
public async Task Test1()
Mock<ShareServiceClient> mockedShareServiceClient = new Mock<ShareServiceClient>();
ShareItem shareItem1 = ShareModelFactory.ShareItem("name1", ShareModelFactory.ShareProperties());
ShareItem shareItem2 = ShareModelFactory.ShareItem("name2", ShareModelFactory.ShareProperties());
ShareItem[] pageValues = new[] { shareItem1, shareItem2 };
Page<ShareItem> page = Page<ShareItem>.FromValues(pageValues, default, new Mock<Response>().Object);
Pageable<ShareItem> pageable = Pageable<ShareItem>.FromPages(new[] { page });
AsyncPageable<ShareItem> asyncPageable = AsyncPageable<ShareItem>.FromPages(new[] { page });
mockedShareServiceClient.Setup(x => x.GetSharesAsync(ShareTraits.None, ShareStates.None, null, CancellationToken.None))
AzureFileSampleService service = new AzureFileSampleService(mockedShareServiceClient.Object);
var results = await service.GetFileSharesAsync();
Assert.Equal("name1", results.First());
Assert.Equal("name2", results.Last());
Obviously, Azure Mocking is a great resource for unit test but we need to see source code to figure out how to write unit test time to time.
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