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Kelvin Chidothi
Kelvin Chidothi

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Nuxt 3 authentication with pinia

A while ago, l wrote a post on Authenticating a Nuxt 2 application with a Laravel Sanctum API. As much as l like Nuxt.js because of it's cool features like middlewares, plugins, routing, SSR, Nuxt 3 has issues with authentication. Here are some of the reasons:

  • Some packages have been removed in Nuxt 3 i.e. nuxt-auth

  • No auth scaffolding

  • Default configurations for axios, auth have been depreciated in nuxt.config.ts

To write a good authentication logic in Nuxt 3, you have to come up with your own logic in Store, Middlewares (for routing).

I tried sidebase package @sidebase/nuxt-auth which is a good package but requires more customizations. Later l switched to pinia as documented here:

This method work really well, kudos, but there's a problem again with persistence of state.

To achive this, install the following package:

yarn add -D @pinia-plugin-persistedstate/nuxt or
npm i -D @pinia-plugin-persistedstate/nuxt

Once this is installed at it under your modules array in nuxt.config.js

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
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Finally add a persist prop under your defined store like this:

// ~/store/auth.ts
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'

export const useStore = defineStore('auth', {
  state: () => {
    return {
      authenticated: 'true',
  persist: true,
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This will automatically instruct pinia to persist any data within it's store attribute. Pinia does this by either using a cookie or local storage, the choice is yours. Reference to this documentation for more global options for pinia persistence.

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