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#100DaysofCode Day[1](2) (Not another #100DaysofCode blog, but it actually is)


This is my first entry into my blog for the #100DaysofCode challenge. For those that are unaware, the #100DaysofCode challenge is essentially a trial of trying to commit at least an hour of your day to coding. One rule of this challenge is that coding done during work hours, will not count towards your progress.

You might be wondering why there are three numbers in the title. Well, the first is 100, the amount of days we’ll be coding (duh). Computers start counting at 0, and technically this is my second day of the #100DaysofCode challenge. I started on Sunday, April 24 2022 but didn’t really think about documenting my climb up the summit of Mt. #100DaysofCode, so since it’s Day 2, we have [1]. Finally, the easiest for last, is the actual day. It’s day 2.

This will mostly be a Python blog, as I follow along in the wonderful App Brewery’s 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022. (Side note: I know I didn’t include the hashtag. I’m wondering if it was a limitation of the site the course is on or who knows what?)

Day[0] was really just an intro to the course and going over some Python basics. For the first day, we ended up building a band name generator that takes your input of what city you were born in and your pet’s name.

band name generator

Today, Day[1], was bit more involved learning about data types. I have a basic programming knowledge, and am familiar with the basic types so it wasn’t much to pick up there.

float, Boolean, int, str

However, the things that I did learn were pretty neat. Check out this tip calculator below:

tip calculator

The thing I struggled with the most was trying to figure out how to calculate the percentage of a tip. I know that you throw a decimal in front of the percentage you want to tip, but getting that into code in front of me was a bit tough (math is hard guys). I had finally looked around a bit and realized I could divide that number by 100.

I would like to revisit this in the future. The biggest reason for that being, I’d like to know how to limit users to the provided tip amounts in the program (12, 15, 20 [P.S. PLEASE TIP YOUR SERVERS GENEROUSLY!]). Actually, typing that out makes me want to reconsider and at least keep the minimum to 15%.

fStrings are also a cool concept that was in this lesson, allowing us to throw in a variable into a string if that variable happens to be a different data type. From what I understand, you can mix and match data types in certain situations and this was one of them.

This definitely took me longer than an hour, only because of a few of the interactive coding challenges and me bouncing back and forth between Wordpress, Medium, and Blogger deciding where I want to put this stuff. I’ve settled on Medium for now and will continue to evaluate accordingly.

To those of you that stuck with me this long, thanks. I don’t expect all posts to be super long. Since this was kind of an introductory/recap of yesterday post, there’s a bit more than I would think a normal day would consist of. Here’s to tomorrow and moving up another rung on the ladder that is the #100DaysofCode challenge.

Top comments (1)

chrisgomad profile image
Christopher Rodriguez

Keep moving forward! We’re all in this together.