Hi dev.to design community, I wanna share my startup here, if you are interested please feel free to reach out to me.
We are building Polymet as an AI Product Designer that helps teams and individuals create stunning designs and production-ready front-end codes more efficiently.
It is designed for creating crafted interfaces and experiences, but to unlock the full potential of Polymet, here is a quick overview that you can start quickly.
You can create new projects.
Let’s get started with creating a project and generating pages.
Enter your prompt and get your first generation. Prompts can be images, texts, or context. You can edit the parts of it to achieve your ideal design. You can also leave a comment, which is like interacting with your designer.
You can create components and add them to your pages.
Components ensure consistency, which leads to a great UX. You can create a variety of components by just prompting them to your specific needs. You can also easily integrate your pages and prototypes.
Create components and put them together on pages
Create Variations of Components
You’re creating pages and components and generating your design. We believe and see that design is more than that. It’s not just the interface; it’s the user experience, and you have to explore lots of ideas to craft the best UX.
Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. - Steve.
Create variations, and specify what kinds of variety you want. Iterate as well to get the best out of it.
*Easily prototype and get its frontend code. *
After piecing together the pages and components to create unique experiences -stories of your ideas and solutions to your users’ problems. Let’s take it to the next level by bringing your designs to life with prototyping and getting ready for development.
Create interactive prototypes Get its preview links and share them with your team, friends, and followers. Export your designs to production-ready front-end codes Deploy them for your users and customers.
Polymet is not just a design tool; our customers create fully functional experiences that their developers can immediately implement.
If you want to get the most out of Polymet and stay updated with the latest features, you can follow us polymet.ai and X https://x.com/polymetai
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