DEV Community

Discussion on: I built my own personal website! Yaaay 😎

kcmatienzo profile image
Kryselle Matienzo

Yay congratulations! I was looking to build my own website, too. Someday! I only know html, css and a bit of Js right now, and currently learning Hopefully by end of this semester, I will be able to go live for my website too! :) Congratulations again!

bassemibrahim profile image

Thanks!! Good luck with that! I would say start small ( That's what I am doing anyway ). Also, don't forget to show me!

kcmatienzo profile image
Kryselle Matienzo

Thank you!! Yes, i tried creating an account on wordpress, but.. cant figure out (yet) on how to use it. Yes for sure I will it to you when it's live! :)