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Improve user experience using Network status API and SolidJS

Network api really shine if you want to show content based on network connection of user. For example you can provide high resolution image if user are connected with high bandwidth or low resolution if not better connection available.

Solidjs will provide you lightweight reactive environment with extreme speed of web without diffing any Virtual DOM into your web app. Solidjs works on the principle of fine grained reactivity .

We will create a useNetwork hook that will take care of registering events on mount related to network status and remove on cleanup.


import { onCleanup, onMount } from "solid-js";
import { createStore } from "solid-js/store";
export default function useNetwork() {

  const [network, setNetwork] = createStore({
    isOnline: true,
    connection: {
      type: null,
      effectiveType: null,
      downlink: null,
      rtt: null,
      saveData: null,

  const handleStatusChange = (e) => {
    const isOnline = e.type === "online";
    setNetwork("isOnline", isOnline);

  const checkNetworkStatus = () => {
    const isOnline = window.navigator.onLine;
    setNetwork("isOnline", isOnline);

  const handleConnectionChange = (event) => {
    const connection = event?.target || window.navigator.connection || {};

    setNetwork("connection", {
      type: connection.type,
      downlink: connection.downlink,
      effectiveType: connection.effectiveType,
      rtt: connection.rtt,
      saveData: connection.saveData,
  onMount(() => {
    if (typeof window.navigator.connection !== "undefined") {
    window.addEventListener("online", handleStatusChange);
    window.addEventListener("offline", handleStatusChange);

  onCleanup(() => {
    window.removeEventListener("online", handleStatusChange);
    window.removeEventListener("offline", handleStatusChange);
    if (typeof window.navigator.connection !== "undefined") {

  return {

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onMount and onCleanup is a life cycle function in solidjs . onMount run when your component mount and onCleanup function run when your component unmount.

Here we have created a store using createStore function which take initial value and return a read and write tuple.

isOnline field will track the current user network and store boolean value. You can test this by changing network status to offline in dev tools > Network.

type field contain the type of connection a device is using to communicate with the network like wifi.

effectiveType contain type of network connection like 3g , 4g etc...

downlink contain the effective bandwidth estimate in megabits per second, rounded to the nearest multiple of 25 kilobits per seconds.

rtt contain the estimated effective round-trip time of the current connection, rounded to the nearest multiple of 25 milliseconds.

saveData contain boolean value like true if the user has set a reduced data usage option on the user agent.

Lets utilise useNetwork hook in App.jsx. I have added nice UI using Hope UI.


import {
} from "@hope-ui/solid";
import ThemeSwitcher from "./components/ThemeSwitcher";
import useNetwork from "./hooks/useNetwork";

function App() {
  const { network } = useNetwork();
  return (
    <HopeProvider config={{ initialColorMode: "dark" }}>
      <Box minH={"100vh"} h="$full" w={"$full"} py="$10">
        <VStack spacing={"$3"}>
          <Heading textAlign={"center"} fontSize={"$6xl"}>
            Network &nbsp;
            <Box as="span" color={"$primary10"}>

          <HStack spacing={"$2"}>
              colorScheme={network.isOnline ? "success" : "danger"}
              <Show when={network.isOnline} fallback="Offline">

            <ThemeSwitcher />
        <Container mt={"$10"}>
            columns={{ "@initial": 1, "@sm": 2, "@md": 2, "@xl": 4 }}
            <GridItem mx={"auto"}>
              <CircularProgress thickness={"$0_5"} size={"$xs"} value={100}>
                <CircularProgressIndicator color={"$warning10"} />
                  <VStack spacing={"$6"}>
                    <Heading fontSize={"$xl"}> Effective Type</Heading>
                    <Text fontSize={"$xl"}>
            <GridItem mx={"auto"}>
              <CircularProgress size={"$xs"} value={100} thickness={"$0_5"}>
                <CircularProgressIndicator color={"$success10"} />
                  <VStack spacing={"$6"}>
                    <Heading fontSize={"$xl"}> Downlink</Heading>
                    <Text fontSize={"$xl"}>{network.connection.downlink} </Text>

            <GridItem mx={"auto"}>
              <CircularProgress thickness={"$0_5"} size={"$xs"} value={100}>
                <CircularProgressIndicator color={"$primary10"} />
                  <VStack spacing={"$6"}>
                    <Heading fontSize={"$xl"}> Rtt</Heading>
                    <Text fontSize={"$xl"}>{network.connection.rtt}</Text>
            <GridItem mx={"auto"}>
              <CircularProgress thickness={"$0_5"} size={"$xs"} value={100}>
                <CircularProgressIndicator color={"$whiteAlpha10"} />
                  <VStack spacing={"$6"}>
                    <Heading fontSize={"$xl"}> Type</Heading>
                    <Text fontSize={"$xl"}>{network.connection?.type}</Text>

export default App;

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GitHub logo harshmangalam / solid-network-status

Web Network status hooks in solidjs


Those templates dependencies are maintained via pnpm via pnpm up -Lri.

This is the reason you see a pnpm-lock.yaml. That being said, any package manager will work. This file can be safely be removed once you clone a template.

$ npm install # or pnpm install or yarn install
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Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm dev or npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the dist folder.
It correctly bundles Solid in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!


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