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Discussion on: Benchmarks comparing gRPC+Protobuf vs JSON+HTTP in Go

kayis profile image
K • Edited

Is the type safety really needed? Would this also be faster with MessagePack, which doesn't need pre-defined schema?

Also, how does the story look on the client? Does parsing protocol buffers outperform JSON.parse()?

plutov profile image
Alex Pliutau

Personally I prefer type-safe protocols when I use type-safe languages like Go, where you call server function (RPC) and have a struct returned with correct types, so you don't need to validate types, only values.

MessagePack is nice, it can be used without gRPC, so more flexible.

Can't answer question with JSON.parse() :)

jamesmalvi profile image
Jaimie Malvi

Love to suggest few tools which work well with JSON data.