DEV Community

Discussion on: Explain like I'm five: Is Test Driven Development really that used in most of the programming world?

kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 

Just went to a great talk last night on TDD by John Reese. His example helped me understand that, like others have said, writing the tests first helps write cleaner code that's easier to maintain, understand, and is obviously testable.

I think it's the backwards approach to what most teams are used to, but usually is a goal that they want to try, but just haven't made the switch.

Initial investment is a little deeper, which project management also isn't on board with generally, so that could be a factor as well.

bartude profile image

By chance the talk isn't available online? A quick google search only revealed the meetup page and the next result was the actor of Person of Interest xp

The idea of writing the tests first does sound like it will help to building more robust code, have to try it soon if I get some free time

kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 

It’s not, he’s active in the open source community and the code is on github if you want to probe through it.