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Kavya Sahithi
Kavya Sahithi

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It's never too late to begin again.

I am from Bangalore, India and anyone who has been there will tell you 2 things:

  1. The traffic jams are unbelievable.
  2. Every second person you talk to is a techie.

In this part of the country, most parents encourage their kids to pursue engineering, as their profession. Maybe that's why, i wanted to be a rebel. I didn't want to do something that everybody was doing, didn't want to be ordinary. I didn't know what i wanted to pursue as a career, but knew it wasn't going to be the obvious. Was that a good enough reason? Guess i'll never know.

I worked towards getting into the best Architecture schools in my city and even began a career in the field. But it just wasn't my cup of tea. Today I ended up here, trying to make my mark as a web developer 10 years after i decided to stay away from this very field. I can't help but wonder how easy things might have been if i just picked this in the first place. But that ship has sailed. Maybe I can never take away what these past years have taught me. Maybe i would not have appreciated things, if they came too easy. After all, nothing can substitute experience.

When i'd been working as an Architect, it just never felt right. I managed to do my job well but it didn't feel like i belonged there. I was surrounded by friends and family who were techies. Hearing them talk about work, programming languages, terms that i'd never heard of, felt like they were in a deep, vast ocean i knew nothing about. I often wondered if i could ever enter that ocean but quickly realised i'd be totally lost in it. And who knew if I would be good at it. Besides, i'd put way too much time and effort into my profession to think about making a switch. Even if i made a mistake picking my profession, it was my mistake and i had to live with it.

2020 has been a crazy year for everyone. It made us appreciate the simple things in life. It made us look at each day as a gift that we ought to make the most of. Things could change in a matter of seconds. It also pushed me to take risks. It made me realise that it was okay to change my mind. It was okay to start fresh.

  • Be brave enough to be bad at something new.

  • It's never too late to be who you might've been.

  • Don't force yourself to fit in, where you don't belong.

  • If you cant stop thinking about it, take the risk.

  • Work for the life you want.

So here I am, trying to be a web developer in 2020. Trying to learn languages, software and tools i'd never heard of. Aiming to build stunning websites and create cool apps. Trying to land that dream job. And maybe one day, help others have a similar journey like my own.

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