DEV Community

kaustav karmakar
kaustav karmakar

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Learn and programming mind of developer

Learning oops principles.
Learning basic sysntax of any language.
Understanding the basics principles of the language you skilled at and worked mostly.
Understanding the principles of architecture and coding principles of SOLID principles.
Understanding the naming of variables and structures the code in smaller reusable blocks.
Basic understanding of data structures such as sorting,arrays ,objects and binary search, linked list .Pick one language and worked for years in one language you picked . Core principles of writing clean code and naming variables naming should be prority . Playing of arrays and objects and solving problems will improve your understanding of how coding principles works. Deep understanding of private and public methods of class or functions .
Developing a understanding of principles of OOPS concepts.
Learn to google if you are stuck in something and take help from stack overflow or join free communities in facebook . Understanding the basics of es6 syntax and why it is introduced instead of regular javascript.Concept of local and global variables and also the problems solved with the help of closures. Debugging issues more than writing code so that it can help your understand of basic structure of the system which you are building.
Solving puzzles and solving complex problems which can make you think like what you are building for so long.
Reading principles of solving problems of senerios which can give you abilities to solve problems.
Reading principles of javascript and clear all the possible solutions to solve the problem.
Writing reusable code to maintain and manage for long run.
Make a habit of learning for at least 1 hour a day.
Learning from past mistakes and experiences will be the best thing to learn from,yet i preferred reading books instead of traditional courses in online.
Well it all depends on the person to person,resources can be anywhere but understanding the process of learning is very important for one’s life.
Cheers,live long and stay healthy and strong.

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