DEV Community

Discussion on: Timers in .NET

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

How would you handle a cancellation token? I have a need for a timer that should stop firing on cancellation and also the DoWork method should immediately quit.

solrevdev profile image
John Smith

Hi Katie,

Take a look at this. hitting ctrl-c while its running or in the 5-second DoWork method will cancel gracefully and hopefully do what you want.

I plan to blog about it in more detail later but this should help.

Gist here

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Thanks John. I see now the running timer callback is buried several levels down. Makes things a bit more complex, but I understand what you did.

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solrevdev profile image
John Smith

Ahh yes, the timer's TimerCallback method signature needed to be void DoWork(object state) hence needing another method call that uses async Task accepting a CancellationToken.

But looking at it again I think that DoWorkAsync and RunJobAsync could just be the one method.

I'll take another look later and will try and explain more in another blog post.

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katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Great! Looking forward to it.