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Katie Clark
Katie Clark

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Job Searching? 3 Tips on how to make your Github standout.

Recently, I attended a webinar on 'What Makes a Strong Github?' and was compelled to share some of the information I felt most useful to other job seekers.

1:Git commit, at least once per day.

I know, maybe this is obvious, but it's so important. Potential employers will be looking at your activity and can see how often you commit and code. Even if you are working on some local project, always create a repository and commit! I created a repo for my CodeWars exercises, that way I am practicing and can also get my commits in.

2:ReadMe's and Pinned Projects are essential!

Make sure that your Pinned Projects are projects you are proud of because employers will look at those first! If they are just labs or minor exercises it will not look as professional and will not showcase your work effectively. Always put your completed projects in the Pinned section. That brings me to ReadMe's-- if you are a full stack dev be sure to link your backend repo in your frontend ReadMe and vice versa. This will be helpful when employers look to get the full scope of your project. Additionally, always include screenshots/demo video in your ReadMe. People are visual and if you are a full stack or frontend dev, this can be extremely influential on the employer and a great chance to show off your work!

3:Remember to remove your console.logs!

Wow, why did I not realize this? In my mind I thought "oh, yeah, look I'm checking my work!". Nope, employers see this as messy code. Same with indentation, always make sure that your code is clean before you commit! Best practices is to get a linter for your source-code editor!

Here is the full video, there's a wealth of good information in here!

Happy committing!

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