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Cover image for Task-Manager RESTFul API: Demystifying Abstract concepts in Node.js and MongoDB
Kater Akeren
Kater Akeren

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Task-Manager RESTFul API: Demystifying Abstract concepts in Node.js and MongoDB

What is Node.JS?

Node.JS is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient to build fast, adaptive, and network applications.

What is an API?

Application Programming Interface is a piece of software that can be used by another piece of software, in order to allow applications to talk to each other with a set of defined rules.
REST decides how the API looks like. It stands for “Representational State Transfer”

Program Overview

It is a task manager application built using NODE JS and MongoDB. It follows a RESTFul API design architecture. The app sends an email notification upon registration and deactivation of the user's account. It's richly built with a simple scientific technique and best practices in the world of API design.


  • Sending Emails
  • Authentication and Security
  • Sorting, Pagination, and Filtering
  • Avatar upload

Hosted Domain Link

Postman Collection Link

Github Repository

Further Reading

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