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Cover image for Building an Asynchronous Weather Application with the core of Node.JS
Kater Akeren
Kater Akeren

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Building an Asynchronous Weather Application with the core of Node.JS

What is Node.JS?

Node.JS is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient to build fast, adaptive, and network applications.


It is a simple workable technique to perform long network requests without blocking the main thread. This makes use of callbacks, promises, and async/await to achieve asynchronously.


The program consists of only two functions (forecast and geocode) in the utils directory and an entry point to the application called app.js. The user is required to provide a location name that is converted behind the scene to coordinates pairs (Longitude and Latitude) that are then passed to the forecast function to display the current location weather with a report briefly.


  • Forcast using the Darksky API
  • Geocoding using the Mapbox API
  • Inputs from Command Line Interface (CLI)

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