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Modern JavaScript for Everyone: Mastering Modern JavaScript the Right Way.

JavaScript is a high-level programming language that may be interpreted or compiled at runtime. JavaScript should not be mistaken with the Java programming language because the two have quite different use, semantics, and syntax.

Many people wonder how they will be able to learn modern JavaScript the right way. You must first meet certain conditions before you can practice JavaScript in a way that leads to mastery. In this post, we will explore the proper steps to do so.

Step 1: Why JavaScript?
Because you have chosen to learn JavaScript above all the other programming languages available, you should understand why. JavaScript is free and open source, according to one frequent argument. If you want to work as a web developer, the most obvious reason to learn JavaScript is because you will need it. This is because JavaScript is mostly used for Front-End development, but it may also be used for Back-End development. Because it is easier to study something you are enthusiastic about, knowing your why will make it easier to learn and comprehend JavaScript.

Step 2: Schedule time to study.
Now that you've figured out why you are learning JavaScript, the next step is to make a schedule for yourself, including study and practice time. This is a wonderful way to practice programming since you will know what to do and what not to do at any given moment. It will be difficult to progress if you do not set aside sufficient study time.

Learn the language's history in addition to scheduling time for studying. Also, become familiar with JavaScript's syntax, usage cases, and real-world applications. These are the first stages in becoming acquainted with the language before plunging into serious work with it. By answering these questions, you will have a better understanding of JavaScript's advantages, disadvantages, and quirks.

Step 3: Learn JavaScript concepts.

  1. Learn about the JavaScript environment and runtime engines, as well as user interaction such as the browser console or input/output via HTML elements.
  2. Datatypes in JavaScript that is; string, number, BigInit, Boolen, undefined, null, object, and symbol.
  4. Declarations of variables (var, let, and const).
  5. The operators (arithmetic, logical and comparison).
  6. Conditional statements (if , if else, if else if and switch)
  7. Loops (for, while, do while, and event).
  8. JavaScript functions.
  9. Data Structures in JavaScript: stack, array, queues, linked list, trees, graph, and hash table.
  10. Objects in JavaScript.
  11. JSON.
  12. JavaScript classes.
  13. Asynchronous JavaScript: setTimeout function, promises, and async/await.

ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) included a substantial change to JavaScript. As a result, while studying modern JavaScript, it's critical to understand the new ES6 syntax.

Step 4: Research
It's possible that some of these ideas will be difficult to comprehend. To aid with comprehension, more study is necessary. Read JavaScript documentation and books, blogs, and watch tutorial videos to expose you to a variety of settings where other people might be able to explain ideas that you can't comprehend on your own.

Step 5: Practice
Practice, as we all know, makes perfect. As a result, take part in online JavaScript forums and activities. Join a physical or virtual community of programmers to learn from them. Participate in open source projects as an individual or as a group to gain hands-on coding expertise.

Happy Coding 👨‍💻!

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