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Kartik Saraf
Kartik Saraf

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Lessons from Creating a Franchise-Based App in Flutter


Developing a franchise-based app comes with its unique set of challenges and opportunities. In my recent experience building a mobile application for a franchise, I learned valuable lessons about fostering collaboration, optimizing workflows, and implementing best practices. This article shares insights that not only contributed to the success of our project but can also be applied to any Flutter development team.

1. Cultivating a Collaborative Culture

Collaboration is at the heart of successful software development. In our franchise app project, we focused on creating an environment where team members felt valued and encouraged to share ideas.

Key Practices:

  • Constructive Code Reviews: We established a culture of constructive feedback during code reviews, treating them as learning opportunities rather than just quality checks. By encouraging open dialogue and providing actionable insights, we enhanced code quality while promoting knowledge sharing.

  • Short Daily Check-ins: We held brief daily meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and ideas. This not only kept everyone aligned but also fostered a sense of community within the team.

2. Mob Programming for Group Collaboration

Instead of adopting a traditional pairing strategy, our team embraced mob programming, where the entire team collaborated to write and review code together. This method was particularly effective in a lean team setting and promoted continuous, real-time communication.

Key Practices:

  • Group Problem Solving: With the whole team focusing on the same task at hand, mob programming allowed us to tackle complex challenges by leveraging diverse viewpoints.

  • Shared Decision-Making: This collaborative approach ensured that all members contributed to architectural and coding decisions, leading to more informed and cohesive outcomes.

Mob programming fostered team cohesion and allowed us to quickly iterate on solutions as a group, creating a highly collaborative environment.

3. Optimizing State Management

Effective state management is crucial in any Flutter application, especially for a franchise-based app with multiple locations and user interactions. Choosing the right approach helped streamline our development process.

Key Practices:

  • Simplicity and Clarity: We prioritized tools that offered simplicity and clarity in state management, enabling team members to easily understand and adopt them. This facilitated smoother collaboration, especially when onboarding new developers.

  • Separation of Concerns: We ensured that our chosen state management solution encouraged a clear separation between UI and state logic, allowing team members to work on different parts of the app without stepping on each other’s toes.

By optimizing our state management approach, we minimized complexity and improved overall efficiency in the development process.

4. Enterprise-Level Best Practices, Testing, and Analytics

In a franchise app, scalability, flexibility, and long-term maintainability are critical. To achieve this, we followed enterprise-level best practices that emphasized modular design and ease of extension. This approach made the code adaptable to changing requirements without the risk of breaking existing functionality.

Key Practices:

  • Modular and Extensible Design: Our code was structured in a modular way that made future extensions straightforward. Whether it was adding new features or adapting to evolving business needs, we ensured that the code could be extended without significant refactoring or risk to stability. This enabled the team to respond to changes quickly and with confidence.

  • Testing Business Logic: Testing was a major focus throughout the development process, specifically testing business logic to ensure accuracy and reliability. We used Mockito to mock dependencies, which allowed us to isolate the core logic of the app and verify that it behaved as expected without being affected by external factors. This approach enhanced our ability to catch potential issues early and maintain the quality of the app as it evolved.

  • Analytics and Insights: To monitor user engagement and app performance, we integrated analytics on both the client and server sides. Real-time insights into user behavior, feature usage, and bottlenecks allowed us to iterate quickly and make data-driven decisions. This also enabled the franchise owners to better understand customer trends, improving the overall business strategy.

By focusing on proper code architecture, thorough testing of business logic, and leveraging data-driven insights, we ensured our application was both maintainable and scalable, ready to support future growth and evolving franchise requirements.

5. Native-Side Code Implementation for Platform-Specific Features

While Flutter provides a unified codebase, certain platform-specific functionalities required us to implement native-side code for both Android and iOS. These integrations were critical for providing the smoothest user experience across all devices.

Key Practices:

  • Native Integrations: For platform-specific features like push notifications, location services, and performance optimizations, we bridged Flutter with native Android (Kotlin) and iOS (Swift) code. By utilizing Flutter’s platform channels, we achieved seamless communication between the Flutter framework and the underlying native systems.

  • Leveraging Native SDKs: We took full advantage of native APIs and SDKs on each platform to ensure that the app's performance and integration with platform-specific services were optimal. On Android, this involved leveraging Google’s APIs for location and notifications, while on iOS, we tapped into CoreLocation and APNs (Apple Push Notification Service) for similar services. These integrations enhanced user engagement and improved app performance across both platforms.

Native code integration allowed us to offer the best possible experience on each platform, while still benefiting from Flutter’s cross-platform efficiencies.

6. Fostering Heavy Collaboration in a Lean Team

In our project, we operated with a lean team structure, which encouraged heavy collaboration among all members. The absence of designated mentorship roles meant that everyone shared responsibility for the project's success.

Key Practices:

  • Shared Responsibility: We embraced a shared responsibility model, where every team member contributed to various aspects of the development process. This not only distributed the workload but also ensured that diverse perspectives were considered in decision-making.

  • Cross-Functional Teams: Team members frequently collaborated across different functionalities, from design to testing. This holistic approach improved our understanding of the application and enhanced the overall quality of the product.

By fostering a culture of shared responsibility and collaboration, we maximized the strengths of our lean team and delivered a successful product.


Developing a franchise-based app in Flutter has been a rewarding experience filled with valuable lessons. By cultivating a collaborative culture, embracing mob programming, optimizing state management, following enterprise-level best practices, focusing on analytics and insights, and implementing native code for platform-specific features, we created a successful development environment that drove the project forward.

These insights can be applied to any software development project, helping teams improve their processes and build better products. As we move forward, the focus on collaboration, data-driven insights, and continuous improvement will remain central to our development practices.

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