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Discussion on: How long did you have to wait?

karandpr profile image
Karan Gandhi

3-4 years.
Bombed my first interview spectacularly.
Got ghosted by recruiters a lot. My mistake . My resume was crap and I had high opinion of myself.
Aced the next interview. I got an interview on a fluke really. Was not really keen on doing a job but decided to do it cos I was bored anyway.
Aced the one after that. I was fully convinced I bombed this one.Learnt lot of stuff in my second job. And they just kept me around for way longer time.

Bombed the next few ones cos well I had a high opinion of myself ....

Follow up answer.
It's pretty much a fluke. It's more of what the interviewers/company want rather than what you are capable of. Don't read much into it.

jamesncox profile image
James Cox


I definitely agree there is some level of "flukiness" when it comes to the job hunt. Some things are simply out of our control. I am okay with that. But I am glad I asked the question, because I've gotten some great feedback about specific things I was doing wrong. If that is something I can control, I definitely want to improve those and course-correct.

I don't know if I have as high of an opinion of myself like you described (nothing wrong with that!). I try to always keep a realistic view of myself. But after X-amount of failure, it's hard to always remain positive and keep pushing forward.

This helped re-center myself, my priorities, my understanding of the market, etc. I'm going to take a day or two and reflect on what changes I can make and then get back to work!

karandpr profile image
Karan Gandhi

Of-course !
You asked the question, and you have received over a dozen perspectives already. This one is mine ofc. Someone else will have different insight.
Oh yeah it's difficult to be positive, but you don't have to be positive all the time. It's ok to be feel discouraged and overwhelmed. Then you just have to regain composure and look at the solutions in hand and fight another day.

One of my friends gave roughly 200-250 interviews. Basically one interview everyday and 2-3 on some days. After his interview , we used to chat up, look at his possible blunders ,have a laugh and then prepare for the next interview. Those were crazy times but it was cool. He was very happy the day he finally cracked an interview. We celebrated in the usual manner though.

I suppose having a friend or someone to discuss makes the difference. Maybe you won't be able to crack interview but atleast you will be able to have a laugh at the end of the day.