DEV Community

Nathan Kallman
Nathan Kallman

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Can everyone learn to code?

I've wondered recently: can everyone learn to code?

The prideful egotistic elitist on my left shoulder whispers "No"; while the hopeful inclusive optimist on my right shoulder answers "Yes, of course!"

I definitely think anyone could learn to code. Or said another way, there seems to be no correlation to race, gender, country, family or educational background and a person's ability to code. But could everyone? Are there people who can code and those who can not?

Or are the desires to become a programmer distributed in a way that "can" and "can't" become indistinguishable from "will" and "won't"?

Kronk with his angel on his shoulder saying "No, no. He's got a point."

Oldest comments (5)

thomasstep profile image
Thomas Step

My short answer is yes. The time required to fully understand and be able to apply knowledge is the largest variable from person to person with any concept be it coding or anything else. It'll come easier to certain people and involve some struggle for others. The deciding factor, in my opinion, is how determined (either through stubbornness or discipline) someone is to learn a given topic.

kallmanation profile image
Nathan Kallman

I think this is most where my thinking is today. And the only argument for "no" that I would entertain is if a person's rate at which they learn is slower than the rate the field of software is evolving at; but is that even possible? I don't know. I feel that after learning a large enough body of basics (a critical mass) then learning the "new" concepts is not very difficult and can be done quickly by anyone (because the concepts aren't that "new").

ignasave profile image
Ignacio Martin Vazquez

My sincere answer is no, not everybody has the time, and dedication needed to learn to code

kallmanation profile image
Nathan Kallman

But would you think everyone could if they were given the time and dedication? That is no one is unable to learn how to code they're just busy doing things beside coding.

ignasave profile image
Ignacio Martin Vazquez • Edited

I think both, there are people who dont have the time or dedication but could learn, and there are people who is not able to undestand how to code rigth Even with all the time in the world, i mean, is not easy and requires a Lot of previous knowldege not mentioning the mental capabilities to do so