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What I've Learned Being a Self-Taught Developer

kaelscion on October 22, 2018

originally published on the Coding Duck blog: This article is based entirely on my experience and contains my...
krippz profile image
Kristofer Linnestjerna

I really liked your point of view! I have an formal education but I think your “street fighter” analogy is very valid for a person as myself, there are always smarter people around. Find the and learn from them :) that’s what I always try to do. Thanks for an awesome pice! You just made my day!

kaelscion profile image

Thank you very much!

damirtomic profile image

The point of a degree is to weed out the people who aren't smart enough or hard-working or dedicated enough. Because, chances are, the stuff you did in university will have very little to do with your current job.

People who shouldn't be engineers usually drop out during the 1st year.

Can you be hard working, consistent and smart without a degree? Sure you can. But taking on such an employee is a much greater risk than the one with a degree.

kaelscion profile image

Thank you! I'm very glad you think so 😁

adammarples profile image
import string
import random

chars = string.ascii_lower + string.ascii_upper + string.punctuation

pw = ''.join([random.choice(chars) for _ in range(pw_length)])
kaelscion profile image

Very nice way to generate a password! Wrap that in a function that takes the argument pw_length and and you'd be able to generate a good password of any length quite quickly. I'm guessing you've seen something similar I developed on my GitHub profile? I will absolutely admit that the use of the string class rather than a list of characters is a nice touch and, admittedly, one I did not think of. Send me a pull request and I'll merge it (hurry though cuz I'll do it myself before long then you'll be minus a commit on your profile 😜😜

adammarples profile image

You go ahead, you're the "toughest developer in the room" after all. If you want the class to be useful, it should include options for common requirements like passwords with no special characters and at least one capital and number, etc.