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10 Under-the-Radar Cybersecurity Threats SMBs Face in 2024 (And How to Defend Against Them)

In 2024, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are becoming prime targets for a new wave of cyber threats. While headlines often focus on large enterprise breaches, SMBs often face under-the-radar threats that can be just as devastating. These threats often exploit the smaller security budgets and lack of awareness within smaller businesses.

In this post, I’ll cover 10 emerging cybersecurity threats that every SMB should be aware of, along with practical strategies to defend against them.

1. Business Email Compromise (BEC)

Problem: Attackers infiltrate or spoof legitimate emails to trick employees into transferring funds or sharing sensitive data.

Solution: Use DMARC, train employees on phishing awareness, and implement multi-factor authentication (MFA).

2. Supply Chain Attacks

Problem: Hackers target vendors or partners to compromise SMB networks.

Solution: Assess supplier security, segment networks, and limit third-party access.

3. IoT Vulnerabilities

Problem: IoT devices in SMBs are often insecure entry points.

Solution: Keep firmware updated, use separate networks for IoT devices, and change default credentials.

4. Credential Stuffing Attacks

Problem: Hackers use stolen credentials from other breaches to gain access to SMB systems.

Solution: Enforce strong passwords, use MFA, and monitor for exposed credentials.

5. Shadow IT

Problem: Employees use unapproved apps or devices, creating security blind spots.

Solution: Educate employees, set clear IT policies, and use endpoint detection tools.

6. Insider Threats

Problem: Employees with access to sensitive data may cause harm, intentionally or accidentally.

Solution: Limit data access, monitor user activity, and revoke access upon employee exit.

7. Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS)

Problem: Ransomware kits are now available as services, making SMBs prime targets.

Solution: Regularly back up systems, train employees on phishing, and use advanced endpoint detection tools.

8. Mobile Device Attacks

Problem: Increased use of mobile devices for work exposes SMBs to mobile malware and phishing.

Solution: Use mobile device management (MDM) solutions, enforce app download policies, and update mobile OS regularly.

9. Cloud Misconfigurations

Problem: Cloud environments are often misconfigured, exposing sensitive data.

Solution: Audit cloud configurations, use posture management tools, and implement role-based access controls.

10. Social Engineering Attacks

Problem: Attackers manipulate employees into sharing sensitive information.

Solution: Regularly train employees, implement identity verification processes, and run simulated social engineering tests.


SMBs may not always be in the spotlight when it comes to cyber attacks, but they face serious threats that can disrupt their operations and financial stability. By understanding these under-the-radar risks and taking proactive measures, SMBs can strengthen their defenses and ensure their long-term security.

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