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Jean-Yves Pellé


Location France Joined Joined on  Personal website github website
A web form to launch your bash and powershell scripts

A web form to launch your bash and powershell scripts

6 min read

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Un formulaire web pour lancer vos scripts bash et powershell

Un formulaire web pour lancer vos scripts bash et powershell

7 min read
Configuring Apache Superset 3 in a production environment

Configuring Apache Superset 3 in a production environment

Comments 1
3 min read
Configurer Apache Superset 3 dans un environnement de production

Configurer Apache Superset 3 dans un environnement de production

3 min read
Mettre à jour des milliers de servers linux en un clin d'oeil avec Ctfreak

Mettre à jour des milliers de servers linux en un clin d'oeil avec Ctfreak

4 min read
Mise en place d'un pipeline CI/CD self-hosted

Mise en place d'un pipeline CI/CD self-hosted

7 min read
Setting up a self-hosted CI/CD pipeline

Setting up a self-hosted CI/CD pipeline

7 min read
Update thousands of linux servers in no time with Ctfreak

Update thousands of linux servers in no time with Ctfreak

3 min read
Introduction to web scraping with goquery

Introduction to web scraping with goquery

4 min read