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Discussion on: OpenSilver and The Return of Silverlight

jwp profile image
John Peters • Edited

I had always thought Silverlight was great! That is, until MSFT capitulated to Apple's no plug in rules.

MSFT should have ignored Apple and continued to improve. Instead, they threw the entire Silverlight community under the bus.

It is for this reason alone I no longer trust MSFT and reject all Frameworks based on past projects.

I say 'just bite the bullet and learn Angular and CSS'.

Blazor/Razor are ok but 10 years behind the Javascrpt eco system. I don't see them catching up unless MSFT throws in serious development effort.

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

To be fair to Microsoft, they didn't have a huge choice in the matter. Chrome got such a high degree of adoption that Google could do what they wanted.

From a Silverlight dev's perspective, a lot of the appeal of Silverlight was that it could run on a mac and it ran in browsers folks already used. Microsoft would have had to restrict web traffic to certain browsers in order to continue to improve the technology. Getting traction is a war they likely wouldn't have won.

I understand not trusting Microsoft on some things. Their track record on upgrading the view layer in particular is rough, but .NET is fantastic as a back-end service for single page applications as well as general API systems.

And yes, I highly recommend Angular, Vue, etc. for front-end logic.

WASM-based projects are inherently going to appeal primarily to only a subset of the web development ecosystem.

Still, it's an option and an interesting one.

jwp profile image
John Peters • Edited

And we haven't even mentioned the fractured MSFT desktop world! :)

Oh yes, their infamous IE brand of browsers were a disaster!

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saint4eva profile image

What fracture?

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integerman profile image
Matt Eland

I make references to it in my description of XAML dialects. We have WPF and UWP on Desktop plus Xamarin adding some complexity as well.