DEV Community

Discussion on: How do you truly start with Web Design? But, you don’t really like styling?

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Justin Henry • Edited

You need to specify what you really want. Do you want "Web Design" or "Web Development". Would you do yourself more justice just to settle as a "Software Engineer" and keep your skills server side?

The first problem is not knowing what you want to do. You will never be truly invested in your learning unless you find your niche.

If you can bare with Typescript/NodeJS for backend, I would advocate you look into NestJS

If you can bare with Typescript again for client side, I would push for React (with typescript)

You need to figure out what your focus will be, then when you know what that is, you can get further direction from the community on where to start, because without that, we can suggest so many topics that you may have zero interest in.

Your career path is paved only by you.