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Justin Verthein
Justin Verthein

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Understanding Redux: A Beginner's Guide to State Management

Redux is a robust framework for managing the state of JavaScript applications, especially complex React projects. It offers a predictable state container, simplifying the management of how, when, where, and why your app's state changes. Let's explore the basics of Redux, its core principles, and its integration into projects.

What is Redux?

Redux is a library designed for state management that can be utilized alongside any UI layer, though it is most commonly paired with React. Created by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark in 2015, Redux is inspired by Facebook's Flux architecture. Its main goal is to centralize an application's state in a single source of truth, facilitating easier management and understanding of app behavior.

Core Concepts of Redux

Redux is built around three fundamental principles:

Single Source of Truth: The state of your entire application is stored within a single store, acting as the single source of truth.
State is Read-Only: The state can only be changed through emitting actions, which are objects describing what happened.
Changes are Made with Pure Functions: Reducers, which are pure functions, define how the state tree is transformed by actions.
The Store
In Redux, the store is where the application's state is held. It is unique per application and created using Redux's createStore() function.


Actions in Redux are JavaScript objects that convey what happened. They must include a type property to indicate the action type and can carry additional information about the action being performed.


Reducers are functions that accept the current state and an action as arguments, returning a new state. They dictate how the state changes in response to actions dispatched to the store.

Setting Up Redux in a React Application

Integrating Redux with React requires the redux package and the react-redux library for bindings.

Installation: These packages can be installed via npm or yarn.
Create a Redux Store: After defining reducers, the Redux store is created.
Provide the Redux Store to React: The Redux store is made available to the React application using the Provider component from react-redux.
Using Redux: Dispatching Actions and Reading State
Within React components, actions can be dispatched to update the state, and components can subscribe to state changes.

Dispatching Actions

Actions are dispatched in components to request state updates, using the useDispatch hook from react-redux.

Reading State

The useSelector hook from react-redux allows components to access data from the Redux store, enabling them to react to state changes.


Redux offers a comprehensive solution for managing state in JavaScript applications, making app behavior more predictable and manageable. Its principles of a single source of truth, read-only state, and pure functions for state changes help in efficiently managing complex app states.

However, Redux may not be necessary for all projects. Its suitability depends on the project's complexity and the development team's familiarity with Redux. For simpler projects or when local component state suffices, Redux might be overkill. Yet, for larger, more complex applications, Redux becomes invaluable for efficient and predictable state management.

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