DEV Community

Discussion on: Often neglected skills new devs should learn?

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Jan van Brügge

Having a toolbelt of languages that you keep "maintained". Often I meet people that say: " I know Javascript and I can use it in Node, so I will use it for everything". Languages are always good in one part of the problem space and bad in another. My personal toolbelt consists of Haskell for Servers, Typescript for UI (and UI only) and Rust for low level code.

Not accepting that development is constant learning. I know people that shy away from new ideas or unknown odeas because they are either not directly useful for their current work or just because they dont have to. I think you should go out there and try something new. Even if you cant use it directly in your day job (e.g. learning a functional language), it will benefit you in some way (e.g. writing the new concurrent something™ in a functional manner).

Using a search engine. Seriously, I am happy to help anyone who is stuck with a problem if he has tried to solve it themself for ~30min. Most of the questions I get vould be prevented. It's a win-win, you feel empowered, being able to solve problems on your own and I dont have to reply to the same answers again and again.

Actually understanding what dependencies do. Adding dependencies is always adding technical debt and this fine as long as you pay back the debt! You should be able to say: "I ahould be able to implement this library on my own. Not as well tested and bug free, but I understand the core algorithms". People programming in languages with large package repositories often fall into this trap.

And my last one: Magic is evil, stay as far away from magic as you can. Arthur C. Clarke said: "Magic's just science that we don't understand yet." This is so true when programming. Magic is cool when it works, but once it breaks you have no idea how to solve it. If someone advertises something as magic (e.g. framework features), run. If you think something is magic, ask how it works. If no one knows, run too.