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Xavier Dubois 🇫🇷 profile picture

Xavier Dubois 🇫🇷

Happy father, biker, developer, PHP lover. Gratuaded from ESGI Paris


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How to create a MVP ?

How to create a MVP ?

1 min read

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How can I help you ?

How can I help you ?

1 min read
A CMS with Stackbit, Netlify and NextJS

A CMS with Stackbit, Netlify and NextJS

5 min read
ESN, agence, client final: comment choisir ?

ESN, agence, client final: comment choisir ?

Comments 1
11 min read
How to write bad-ass technical tests for your interviews ?

How to write bad-ass technical tests for your interviews ?

Comments 3
3 min read
Enhanced your functional tests with Symfony (API context)

Enhanced your functional tests with Symfony (API context)

Comments 4
3 min read
Entities properties : public, protected or private ?

Entities properties : public, protected or private ?

Comments 4
1 min read