DEV Community

Gianluca Bianco
Gianluca Bianco

Posted on

key-manager a new desktop app for password management and creation, developed using Qt.

Hello everybody,

I want to share with you a new cross-platform app developed with C++20 and Qt6.4.2 (on Ubuntu) which purpose is to be used as a password manager and if you want also as a password generator.

The GUI is totally developed with Qt without the usage of QTCreator, but only with raw code and CMake, while the cryptographic system is developed with crypto++. The password protection is managed by the encryption and decryption mechanism of the app and sensitive data are stored in the system. No further security passages have been token since sensitive data are not stored online, but offline.

This project was born as a free-time project and the app is not to be intended as a substitution to others which may probably have better interface and more sophisticated mechanisms, but is simply an alternative.

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