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Mrigendra Prasad
Mrigendra Prasad

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Data Types in Python

Data Structure And Algorithms using Python

Python is one of the most popular programming languages. It is a high-level, easy-to-learn interpreted programming language. It was developed by Guido Van Rossum in 1991. Today, Python is used for many purposes like software development, data analysis, machine learning, robotics, backend web development, desktop application, GUIs, 2d game development, etc. So here in this repository, I am adding Data Structure and Algorithm concepts and problems and their solution.

Data Types in Python

In programming, we need to classify the data or value so that we can perform different operations on different data types
for example, The "+" operator will add two values if they are integer or #float while the same operator will concatenate two strings
So we can see that the same operator operates different types of values differently based on its data type, hence classifying the values with different data types is very important

Data types available in Python

(i) Integer
-> In Python, we represent whole numbers using int (integer). In integers, numbers can lie anywhere from negative infinity to positive infinity which makes it convenient for us to deal with integers without caring much about the memory size it will take because Python will handle it automatically.

 x = 4


 output >>  <class "int">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

(ii) Float
-> In Python to represent a real number having decimal point we use float. It represents both rational and irrational numbers. There can be any number of digits before or after the decimal point.

 x = 4.0


 output >>  <class "float">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

(iii) Complex Numbers
-> In Python, we can also work with the complex number where we represent an imaginary number. For example, a + bj is a complex number where a and b are real numbers and j is an imaginary number.

  x = 2 + 3j


  output >> <class "complex">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

(iv) String
-> String values are the combination of letters, characters, numbers, and special characters inside the single, double, or even triple quotation mark. Most of the
time we use single and double quotation marks for single-line strings and while we want to write multi-line strings we use triple quotation marks.

  x = "Hello World"


  output >> <class 'str'>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

(v) Boolean
-> Boolean has only two values True (T is always capital) and False (F is always capital). We use boolean data type when we have to make a decision or write conditional statements. We can also represent boolean values by using numbers such as 1 for True and 0 for False.

  x = True


  output >> <class 'bool'>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

(vi) None
-> Suppose a situation where you have to declare a variable without initializing the variable then there comes a "none" type to save you. It is used to declare a
variable with any initial value.

  x = None


output >> <class 'NoneType'>

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


These are the data types available in python and we will discuss them in details in my next post

Thanks For Reading

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